Is 5 Qs In A Row Too Many?

Is 5 Qs In A Row Too Many?

For my 34th Q I decided to answer the age-old question, “why would anyone want to Q every single workout for the week?” A few months ago I figured I would challenge myself to my own personal CSUP during my favorite holiday. I reached out to each Site, booked the week and then procrastinated my costume ideas. It was a simple plan of dressing like a jackass each morning and crushing the pax.

Last night for Halloween the KISS makeup was too difficult to get off my face and I’m glad I didn’t pick any costumes that involved makeup. I might have also had one too many brews before bedtime last night but I’m about that rockstar lifestyle you guys. Waking up this AM was a little painful and I had zero planned for my weinke except the burpee mile. Thanks Moneyball for the assist!

I jumped on my bidet thrown, wrote out some pain stations and slipped on my final costume. It seemed fitting to close the week as a Gladiator….I AM SPARTA?? I got nothing.

Lots of pax this morning in 43 degree weather ready for some fun. DiCCS reviewed. Let’s go.


Mosey to front of high school. Circle up:

20 x SSH

10 x Moroccan Night Clubs

Jimmy Dugan

Calf Stretch

Burpee Mile to start! 2 burpees to start. Out and back 4 times with 12 burpees at each end. 50 burpees to kick it into high gear!

Mosey towards stairs. 5 Big Boy Situps. 5 Calf Raises per Step. Bear Crawl to wall. 10 Mike Tyson’s. 2 rounds.

Grab some wall. 20 of each: Jabs and toe lifts. Air Presses and heel lifts. Quick Break to shake legs. Back on wall and repeat. Burner.

Mosey to the back of the middle school and find some bench. 20 x dips, 15 x box jumps and 10 derkins. Mosey to alcove for 10 x donkey kicks. Repeat 2 times.

Mosey to COT. Ab work. Heels to Heaven. Gas pumps. LBCs. Box cutters. 6” plank jacks. Finished.


As I sit here on my couch in my soreness I’m happy with my overall outcome. I got some good laughs, some great pictures and completed my mission. Sadly my reign of terror has come to an end as of today due to poor planning by my wife and the fact we are leaving for the weekend today. I was hoping to close out all 6 but I’m content with the 5 in a row. It gives other idiots like myself something to shoot for and beat. Not sure why anyone would want to but to each their own.

Thanks to everyone that posted today. It was a pleasure to lead. A lighter pace than yesterday because I was exhausted but that opening burpee mile is a great way to get everything warmed up. Then focused on those legs and my beer belly. Feel the burn!

Lesson learned this week? Nothing. It was fun as hell to dress up and Q! I look forward to getting more creative with costumes and themes for future Qs. Anything to make you all laugh or talk smack is fine by me. Thanks again.

Thanks Akbar for taking us out!


  • Q School and Site Q School this weekend. See Posse for more details.
  • We are gathering lightly used clothes and toys leading up to the holidays for Christ’s Closet. See Deadwood or BC for any questions or donations.
  • Holiday Party is coming up on Nov 16th. Room is booked, hors d’oeuvres are ordered and all that’s left is you to RSVP. We are almost up over 60 people already! Please ping me at a workout or on GroupMe and send over your Ms name if she is attending as well.
  • Deadwood has the Q tomorrow at Commitment
  • Two upcoming CSUPs next Saturday! Vagabond and Christ’s Closet events. Find a buddy and pick one event. See anyone for more details at any post!!

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Zinfandel author

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