Tag Archive Hoover

Get Tight, Get Strong

ByTiger-Rag Oct 7, 2019

Pickle jars be warned: the six week Total Tension Kettlebell Complex has officially kicked off. It's not too late for rest of you sluggards to

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Whose on Q? Whats on 2nd? And, “I don’t know,” said Smokey! “Today is the 3rd?”

Bysmokey Sep 3, 2019

So, Funky had sent me a text last week reminding me that I had the Q today at Skunk, but we were out of town and I didn't think much about it.

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Gorillas in the Mist

ByVoodoo Aug 24, 2019

15 pax arrived at Calvary Church this morning for my Q. When contemplating my weinke yesterday at work, I wasn't sure which direction to take it

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The worst Red Box movie selection ever

ByAlf Aug 4, 2019

10 men for Rock Zero this week. It was muggy, really muggy and it didn't take long to work up a sweat, or complaints. Fast half mile mosey o

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The horror, the horror

ByVoodoo Jul 23, 2019

He hated all this, and somehow he couldn't get away. -Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness (also TAF, who seems to be Chester's favorite) 15 pax

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2nd Hand Smokers Teeth

ByHorsehead Jul 18, 2019

Current Status: Hops: Vigorously refreshing browser to see when BB is postedHeader: Furiously writing last 7 backblastsTR: Indubitably wa

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Thursdays with Lemmy

ByIckey Shuffle Jul 11, 2019

Summer is running season in Area 51, so any opportunity to swing bells instead of grind miles is welcome. Nine PAX gathered in humidity that ma

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A (day late) Keg Party for Freedom

ByHoover Jul 5, 2019

4 pax made it to Joust looking to continue the festivities of freedom from the day before.  It was humid, it was early, and the beer consum

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Skunky McSkunkworks

ByHoover Jul 2, 2019

8 pax decided not to go on vacation this week and swung some iron at Skunkworks.  It was a humid day, so sweating was a given and YHC kept

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ya can’t hide a horse in ‘dem hills

ByHoover Jul 1, 2019

12 men decided it was a good day to take on the hills of Horsey.  With YHC on Q all assembled in the parking lot at 5:15 except for a late entr

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