South Charlotte

Let’s do a Burpee Indian Run

ByFoundation Nov 2, 2018

24 Pax came out for Impromptu this morning and successfully completed not one but 2 Indian Runs. Warmup: Mosey to Middle School Parking L

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Another Day in Paradise

ByDasher Nov 1, 2018

  Warm-up: Mosey over to the front of Dream Chasers to circle up 25 – SSH 10 – MTC 10 – Plank Jacks 10 – Imperial

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Winner Winner Not Quite Chicken Dinner – But enjoy a slim glass of Zin

ByFoundation Oct 31, 2018

21 Men participated in the 2018 Flash Weight Loss Competition and a combined 275 lbs were dropped equaling a 5.74% loss over the last 8 weeks. 

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Return to North Face

ByMermaid Oct 31, 2018

13 men arrived at Anvil this Halloween morning. 12 in vehicles and Haze on foot. #Beast. Disclaimer provided by the Q. Still trying to hunt down

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The Lumpy Starfish

ByRachel Oct 30, 2018

14 Pax were treated to some cool temps and hilly running this morning. The Thang  Mosey out of the parking lot. Left on Providence. Cross

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Utah writes the Weinke

ByHops Oct 30, 2018

The site Q still has failed to furnish a SF for Hawk's Nest.  Somebody should talk to him about that. Nevertheless, the pax were quickly disclai

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4LEX: Bagpipe Backblast

Bytagalong Oct 30, 2018

14 PAX gathered for the Lex Luthor modified AMRAP... most of us were overdressed for the 42 degree temps.   There was a lot of complaining abou

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Did I Mention No Burpees?

ByDana Oct 30, 2018

It’s been a few months since I started with F3 and I am grateful to Transporter for pushing me to attend.  It was all going swimmingly as the

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Do you have anything besides Mexican food?

ByGummy Oct 29, 2018

10 men gathered in a middle school parking lot at 5:30 on a Monday (Actually, 9 gathered. Insomniac joined us at about 5:45. Really. I mean, to s

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Do as I do, not as I say

ByFoundation Oct 29, 2018

It's been over a year grinding at the sweat factory without every trying a go at being foreman.  Try as I might to continue this streak, my will

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