South Charlotte

Crime Free Diesel

ByChastain Mar 27, 2020

3 PAX posted on the empty basketball courts at Briarcrest. The rims have been removed, so are they really basketball courts any more? This mornin

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Friday is AB day with a Chicken

ByChicken Little Mar 27, 2020

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Table for Five… TO GO!

ByGerber Mar 27, 2020

DiCCS - don't sue your parents.... Tonight's fine dining menu featured: Antipasti 1/4 mile jog SSH x 20 Imperial walkers x 20 Mtn climb

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The 10ft Minimum Socially Distanced Pasta Party

ByGerber Mar 26, 2020

DiCCS were given (Disclaimer, Cell phone, CPR, Safety) Warm Up 1/2 mile mosey 10 x SSH IC 10 x Imperial Walkers IC 10 x Plank Jacks IC 10

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ByChicken Little Mar 26, 2020

DICCS- given Warm up 10- low slow squats 4 - merkins, calve stretch, stretch middle, right and left Slow mosey 1.25 miles The Than

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Maybe I Should Learn How to Read

ByGerber Mar 25, 2020

In honor of Rudy's grandfather turning 90 tomorrow, he developed this simple Weinke. No Warm-Up, we have things to do Thang Map out a 5K

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LRC Presents: The Super Mario Bros Super Show

ByFoundation Mar 25, 2020

LRC: Continued on today with standard loop for total of 5 miles.  Luigi aka Smithers just missed sub 8:00/miles for 5.  Deflated scheduled to r

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A Visit to the Tuscan Village

ByChastain Mar 25, 2020

6 PAX made the harrowing journey across the street to Tuscany. Harrowing cause that bridge is slick in GOOD conditions. We were moving in the dar

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Anyone Out There?

ByGerber Mar 24, 2020

DiCCS were given (Disclaimer, Cell phone, CPR, Safety) Mosey ½ mile Warm Up: SSH x 15 IC Imperial Walkers x 15 IC Calf Stretch

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Skunkworks 03/24/2020, a backblast

ByHoover Mar 24, 2020

5 skunks gathered in a parking lot in south Charlotte at 0530.  Social distance was maintained, no disclaimer given.  YHC gave a few words of i

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