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The Mermaid

ByBenny Nov 14, 2017

14 Pax made the decision after YHC laid down the gauntlet as to what would happen for my Fast Twitch VQ. Seeing how Fast Twitch hasn't done an AY

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Head Out On the Highway

ByBratwurst Nov 9, 2017

16 PAX either didn't read the Preblast (or there wasn't one posted in the normal place) or fought through suggestions in their head that hills, h

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Swifter, Higher, Stronger

ByBratwurst Nov 9, 2017

Faster, Higher, Stronger - Let's try to get Faster overall (better endurance) by running some Higher minute intervals to build our Stronger lungs

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Prodigal Sons Return

BySlim Fast Nov 5, 2017

15 Goats + 1 fly-by dissenter gathered in the very mild gloom of South Charlotte Middle School for a crowd favorite Mountain Goat workout... 30-3

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Audible to run for the hills and keep the mumble chatter low

ByDrano Oct 26, 2017

POSTED FOR THE MOUTH... Copy and Pasted 11 Men showed up to BaseCamp this week… Q woke up to pouring rain and had to make a decision to cont

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Not so Comfortable Speed

ByBratwurst Oct 25, 2017

19 PAX at Swift on Tuesday morning set off into the mild chill of the gloom that makes running so enjoyable.  We were instructed to find some Co

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