Tag Archive Airwolf

Non-Contact Individual Partner Work

ByWarEagle Jul 18, 2020

YHC was honored to Q Stonehenge on the morning of the F3/FIA Local Impact 5K/10K.  As such I promised the 12 to 13 PAX relatively low mileage to

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105, 210, 420, 42

ByBillyGoat Jul 11, 2020

As YHC drove into Stonehenge territory to make sure I had the workout mapped out properly I passed 2 PAX pre-running... kudos to Lex and Kirby. 

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Promise kept

ByCheese Curd Jun 25, 2020

After last week's mileage-fest, YHC made a promise to keep the miles down.  A group of 22 strong eventually rolled in (even though it was sprink

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It’s Time To Get Uncomfortable

ByBillyGoat Jun 6, 2020

After being on quarantine hiatus from F3 workouts YHC realized it was time to get out of the routine I created for myself of solo running/workout

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