22 Men won the battle with the pillow didn’t drink as much last night and found a way to post this morning. About a month ago I noticed that Christmas and New Years Day both fell on a Wednesday. I reached out to the Dromedary crew to gauge their interest in converging. The thought being that as we have added workouts, we have fragmented pax. It would be nice to all be together for the first workout of the year. Dromedary agreed, though at first both site Q’s said they would be traveling and not make the workout. Ultimately they both made it this morning.
Glidah and I arrived early to set up gear. Planned for as many as 38, but quickly found the number to be much lower. Gear set up and only 8 minutes left so I rush over to the start so that I have time to weigh in and strategically relocate the Herpes sticker (as of this writing, the pax has not found it). 2 minutes left….blatter is kinda full. Where the hell is foundation. DICCS given by Goodfella and away we go.
Mosey down path and circle up at first light for 20 SSH.
Mosey behind the school to alcove for (15?) Low Slow Squats.
Mosey to basketball court for (15?) Imperial Walkers.
Mosey to Transporters Shed Rudy’s Poop Palace for 20 Merkins.
Grab Wall for 20 Mike Tysons and 20 Donkey Kicks.
Mosey to Traffic Circle and partner up in groups of three.
Round 1: 2 laps each
P1: Curls with Blocks. P2: LBC. P3: Runner in between.
Round 2: 2 laps
P1: Shoulder Press. P2: Flutter. P3: Runner
Round 3: 2 lamps
P1: Man Makers Burpee Press with block. P2: Heels to Heaven. P3: Runner.
Mosey to football parking lot. Staying in groups of three. Gear stations on opposite ends of parking lot with runner in between:
- 27 lb bar curl. Runner. 25 lb Hammer Curl
- 25 or 35lb Tricep Extension. Runner. 10 lb tricep kick backs
- 50 lb Military Press. Runner. Cinder block press.
- 10 lb Front & Side Raise. Runner. 10 lb Reverse Fly
- Cinder Block Row. Runner. 30 lb Lawnmower Pull (one arm Row).
Merkins on Block. Runner. Merkins Removed due to number of pax.
- Squats. Hair Burner. Reverse Lunge. This was the timer. After every pax had pushed plates twice, we rotated.
Five minutes left. Mosey back to start around the front of the schools.
- Thanks to those who fought to get out of bed for joining us this morning. Lots of hung over pax based on numbers today.
- A big thanks to Glidah for helping me plan and get equipment from Five Stones. Thanks also to Chastain for helping us clean up afterwards.
- Goodfella a little angry at me when I corrected his lexicon on the Man Makers (I’m not sure why). A man maker is done with dumbells and includes a merkin, row, curl, press, and lunges. Iron pax had their lexicon wrong and I’ve seen in incorrectly called in Waxhaw. Splitting hairs, I know, but I still like for the correct exercise to be called so that if we go to other regions, we don’t spread misinformation.
- Dana was extra mad at the hair burners. (Do you see a pattern in the Dromedary Site Q’s?). Though I have to agree, the hair burners were especially tough today. Looks like some Pam will need to be applied before being used again (Friction sucks).
- Dana still feeling the Dough Boy KY beat down yesterday. I thought Va Tech (they apparently hate being called that by the way) had that one won, but a strong last drive from Kentucky sealed the deal with less than 15 seconds to go in the game. Sounds like Dana is glad this was Bud Fosters last game.
- Spike reminding us on groupme there is a culture difference. I assumed they celebrated the new year in Asia. Spike only realizing it after seeing now groupme workout photo on his way to work this morning.
- Herpes magnet was first going on Tupperware’s new ride, but the carbon fiber wouldn’t hold the magnet. In my desperate rush, I applied it to the nearest vehicle which was Mad Dog, but having woken up on the mosey’s, I realized he already had the honor of finding it while at the grocery store. So after the workout was over I quickly and covertly relocated it. And as I check Groupme one last time…..it has been found! Thanks for being a good sport Gerber. Now you can relive how that played out this morning. You were literally a last second audible.
- Lots of Third F opportunities in the coming year. Ice 9 shared some things the Charlotte region is doing including three different workouts. I don’t remember the details or locations, but I know one of them targets teenagers without father figures and another one targets men trying to get sober or off drugs. There was talk of F3 Waxhaw chipping in to help Q occasionally.
- Christ Closet is in desperate need of folders. Folding party Jan 11th. More clothes than they had after the F3 Waxhaw Launch. Need help with locations to give away as well.
- Goodfella spoke about keying in on one word this year to push for. His was legacy and more about raising his three sons with a 4th on the way. Mad dog suggested perhaps Vasectomy might be the better word.
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