Tag Archive Kilowatt

Led by the Spirits

BySlackBlast Feb 10, 2023

DATE: 2023-02-10 AO: Mountain-Goat Q: Spammer PAX: gullah, slim_fast, Spammer, retread, kilowatt, Rusty Michael, lois, Sensei, wildturkey, Insomn

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New SlimFast Hill Repeats

BySlackBlast Feb 3, 2023

DATE: 2023-02-03 AO: Mountain-Goat Q: Spammer PAX: Spammer, jello, retread, Rusty Michael, kilowatt, wildturkey, sledge, lois, Watchita, fleetwoo

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The Hills Pay the Bills

BySlackBlast Jan 27, 2023

DATE: 2023-01-27 AO: Mountain-Goat Q: retread PAX: jello, gullah, kilowatt, Pele, Schrute FNGs: 1 Schrute COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Depart SCMS, warm up t

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New Slim Fast Hill but no Coffee

ByRetread Apr 16, 2021

14 of F3's finest pax assembled in a middle school parking lot at 0515 for this week's installment of Mountain Goat. Conditions were pretty close

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Running On Faith

ByGeraldo Mar 25, 2021

12 PAX gathered in the parking lot next to Seaboard, AKA Peak 51's temporary/permanant home, for their #DRP and at 0530 we were off. COP We

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What’s This?? A Mountain Goat Back Blast?? Say it isn’t so!!

BySlim Fast May 11, 2019

Yes, Virginia... there is a Back Blast! As co-Q for F3 Mountain Goat, I beg forgiveness for my laziness for the past 1-2 years... I've been laz

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Mountain Goat Runs The Mermaid

ByBenny Apr 19, 2019

18 strong pax avoided the fart sack this morning and attended one of the most hyped Mountain Goat Runs in Area 51 History. After a though discla

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On the backstreets until the end

ByLois Sep 20, 2018

A wild bunch of PAX gathered in the gloom at Matthews Elementary School for this week's edition of Peak 51, only to find out, we weren't staying

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BySlim Fast Sep 15, 2018

11 Goats came out with the shared goal of spotting Jim Cantore while shaking out from the BRR.  Half of those goals were achieved! Simple wor

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Mountain Goats Tour Five Knolls

BySlim Fast Jun 30, 2018

21 Goats arrived at South Charlotte Middle School with permission slips signed by their Mommies so they could go on a field trip off-campus.  Hu

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