Tag Archive Beaver

Where did you get that Chair?

ByTweetsie Sep 20, 2018

On a muggy September Wednesday, Nine Pax rolled into Gumby to do some recovery stretching- here's how it went:   Start out with Devo

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No, it isn’t Pirates. (and, no, those aren’t condoms.)

ByHigh Tide Sep 19, 2018

8 pax gathered for the weekly limb limbering that is Gumby.   With some popping, cracking, grunting, and gr-mumbling, we got right after it.

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BySlim Fast Sep 15, 2018

11 Goats came out with the shared goal of spotting Jim Cantore while shaking out from the BRR.  Half of those goals were achieved! Simple wor

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Beaver nails it

BySwiss Miss Aug 30, 2018

First things first - Borrow Tweetsie’s cell phone for devotional Bible phrases on forgiveness (Thank you, Tweetsie!) Corpse Pose and Dev

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Field trip to Promenade

ByHuggieBear Aug 26, 2018

Posted on behalf of Beaver The Thang: Mosey to the Fire Station for COT: SSHx25 in cadence IWx25 in cadence 50 merkins OYO 50 LBC OYO

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I don’t want to

ByWildTurkey Aug 22, 2018

Yesterday, I woke up at 4 AM got on a plane to Atlanta. There I presented on a brand new work project and took some difficult questions. It was s

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Hammering the hips

BySwiss Miss Aug 8, 2018

YHC was today's substi-Q for Sony, who is facing some serious health problems that have the doctors stumped. (Prayers for his return to health!)

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Mountain Goats Keep Goating

BySlim Fast Jul 30, 2018

Ok... not a very creative title... but it is what it is!  16 Goats gathered on wet streets, but clear skies for a 5-5-4-4-3-3-3 set of intervals

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Slam Fest H*LL

BySlim Fast Jul 27, 2018

10 Goats gathered to find out the answer to the Wheel of Fortune Home Edition final puzzle... Vanna would have been proud to reveal that extremel

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Who’s in charge here?!

ByHops Jul 10, 2018

20 pax assembled, including 4.2 pax who did a pre-KB workout and Hollywood who partially fartsacked and missed the Fast Twitch launch.  Glad you

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