20/20 Vision

20/20 Vision

Day 2 of the new year and 17 men with 20/20 vision decided to either start off the new year or log day 2/2 and keep their perfect attendance streak alive and well.

DiCCS were given (Disclaimer, Cell phone, CPR, Safety)

Mosey down Keith Jung Hill to the Waxhaw Animal Hospital


  • Side Straddle Hop x 20 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Calf Stretch to get the caloric burn going

The Thang:

Mosey across N. Broome St. down Blythe Mill Rd. to the start of N. Providence

  • Start with 5 burpees
  • Run to the second light pole for 10 LBCs
  • Back one light pole for 5 burpees
  • Continue 2 up and 1 back all the way to Dream Chasers
  • Finish early, circle back and finish with the six
  • This section ended up at 1.3 miles with 65 burpees and 130 LBCs with some getting in a few extra rounds

Mosey back across N. Broome St. on N. Main St. to the ledge in front of Tangles Knitting (where you can find Bottlecap many a night.  He highly recommends this kit to get started).

  • Derkins x 10 IC
  • Step Ups x 20 IC
  • Dips X 30 IC
  • Rinse and repeat two more times for a total of 30 Derkins, 60 Step Ups, and 90 Dips

Mosey down Church street past the skatepark to the bottom of Another Bad Idea Hill (can’t Q the Floater without at least some hill work)

  • 5 Mike Tysons at the bottom of the Another Bad Idea
  • Run up the hill to Broad St. for 10 Big Bois
  • Back Down for 5 Mike Tysons
  • Run all the way up the hill to High St. (appropriately named) for 10 more Big Bois
  • Back down for 5 Mike Tysons
  • Back up the hill to Broad St. for 10 Big Bois
  • Back down for 5 Mike Tysons
  • Recover
  • AYG up Church to Main St.



Perfect weather this morning for my favorite AO in all of Waxhaw.  I don’t know how much longer the lights will be up downtown but you can’t beat the scenery in the morning. If you haven’t made it down with your family in the evening this holiday season I would highly recommend.

Props to Chastain, Dana, and Fuse Box for making it out and keeping their 2020 perfect attendance streak intact.

Since the weight loss challenge started up this week I wanted to start with something that keeps everyone moving.  It wasn’t a true burpee mile because the official burpee mile was born at Ignition and is exactly a mile (who would’ve thought) and is exactly 100 burpees.  This one got in 1.3 miles, 65 burpees, and 130 LBCs so it was something, just not The Burpee Mile®.

I think everyone got in over 3 miles today so the running box should be checked and everyone can move on to Diesel tomorrow to get the weights box checked (remember pool season is only 4 short months away.

What happened to Deadwood and Zinfandel the past few days?  Are they shooting for 0 posts in 2020?  So far, so good on that goal I guess.

Speaking of goals for 2020, what’s yours?  It doesn’t matter where you are on the spectrum of faith, weight, fitness, family, etc.  Something to keep you focused and in the game is always a good idea.  Maybe it’s 5 more minutes of one on one time with each kid before bed?  An extra date night a month with the M?  10 minutes in the Word every evening?  3 posts a week?  4 posts a week?  5 posts a week?  More 2nd and 3rd F posts?  Octuple?  Dryuary?  Veganuary?  200 posts in 2020?  Maybe 250? Reducing yours and your kids screen time?  It’s all possible, you just have to have a 20/20 focus and take it one day at a time.  Tell others your goals to help keep you accountable.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead today.


  • Clyent Dinner tonight. Should be record attendance due to the 0/2 numbers many PAX have posted this year
  • Mayhem has his VQ tomorrow at Diesel. Basketball Themed workout.
  • January 11th, Christ’s Closet folding day at Union United Methodist Church at 8:00am after Commitment and Homecoming.
  • Weight Loss Challenge weigh-ins have begun. Please see Foundation’s scale to get that done asap and SIGN UP if you haven’t already.  Please see his multiple preblasts in both the Playhouse and News Channel for info.  Loss weight and get paid, sounds pretty good.

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Gerber author

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