McKee/Area51 AO

I Am Jack’s Lack Of A Creative Backblast Title.

ByDonkey Kong Dec 4, 2014

9 men showed up in the pleasantly warm(ish) gloom to beat back death one more time. The Thang: Run lap around school Side Straddle Hops x 30

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#F3Dromedary – and why would we not?

ByStump Hugger Nov 26, 2014

3 PAX posted in the 2nd worst day at the new AO. I knew that without a doubt I would not be alone in soggy wet cold this morning. We just need

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Making Preparations for Turkey Day

ByAbacus Nov 23, 2014

With Thanksgiving less than a week away, 8 men decided to post at Area 51 at 0700 on a frosty, 26 degree Saturday morning.  Soccer season is pre

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Smorgasbord of Treats

ByAbacus Nov 17, 2014

Despite the colder than typical early November temps, 5 PAX made the wise decision to rise early on their Saturday morning and post at Area 51, t

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Last Minute Decision

ByAlf Nov 8, 2014

YHC is heading out of town this weekend with the outlaws.  Assuming we'd leave early I didn't think I had time to post, but the M said we weren'

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Should I Stay or Should I Go Go?

ByAbacus Nov 3, 2014

41/42 degrees and a nice drizzle falling on the first Saturday in November.  What better conditions could one ask for, for a quick 60 minute wor

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Getting Decked

BySoft Pretzel Oct 28, 2014

26 men for Bagpipe this morning and another 5 for Swift makes 31.  Here's how things went at Bagpipe: Disclaimer is read and while we wait for

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DK’s form policing leads to a lot of running

ByFar Side Oct 28, 2014

8 Pax gathered for a morning of perfect weather and slightly more running than was originally planned.  After Donkey Kong's suggestion that YHC

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Schoolyard Starfish

ByAbacus Oct 24, 2014

9 PAX, including 1 FNG, arrived on this Saturday morning ready to kick their weekend off with 60 minutes of hard work.  SF was planted solidly i

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Four Corners around the School Yard

ByAbacus Oct 20, 2014

Friday night YHC tweeted out that the weekly workout known as Area 51 would begin at 0700 and end at 0800 but that what was to happen in between

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