9 men showed up in the pleasantly warm(ish) gloom to beat back death one more time.
The Thang:
Run lap around school
Side Straddle Hops x 30
Imperial Walkers x 30
Jack Webb (1 Merkin x 4 arm raises) up to 10 Merkins (40 arm raises) and back down to 1.
(Total of 100 Merkins/400 arm raises. Proper form on merkins, all the way down and back up)
Flutter Kicks x 100 (Single-Count, on your own)
Elbow Plank
Dolly x 100 (Single-Count, on your own)
Elbow Plank
LBC’s x 100 (Single-Count, on your own. Ankles uncrossed, feet above your knees, get your shoulder-blades off the ground each rep.)
Mosey to track:
Bear Crawl x 1 lap
Lunge Walk x 1 lap
Burpees while you wait for others to finish.
Mosey to parking lot:
Rosalita x 100 (Single-Count, on your own)
Nice work, everyone. The plan (there is no plan) originally entailed a lap around the track of burpee broad-jumps, but that got audibled due to time. You’re welcome. YHC thought we’d do something other than a burpee slug-fest for a change, although if you happened to also post at Death Valley yesterday, your arms and chest are now probably wrecked.
This Saturday there will be a special workout at The Rock (Calvary Church), led by all 3 site Q’s. All are welcome.
If you are not attending the F3 South Charlotte Christmas Party, please bring your canned goods donations to your normal Saturday morning workout. However, rumor has it there will be raffle tickets and/or other incentives to bring your donations to the Christmas party.
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