F3 Waxhaw Weight Loss Competition

  • When:12/30/2019
  • QIC: Foundation

F3 Waxhaw Weight Loss Competition

All right fellas we will begin our weight loss competition this week  and it will run for 8 weeks.  The competition will have 3 components – individual overall challenge, team challenge, and weekly challenge.   We will have the scale at various workouts throughout each week to weigh in and we will do our best to announce on GroupMe day before where the scale will be.


  • Entry Fee: $20
    • Fee can be paid via cash, paypal, venmo
  • Register at following link – Registration
  • Competition will include individual/team aspect and weekly penalties
  • Initial Weigh In Dates: 12/31/19  – 1/10/20
    • No additional layers – what you weigh in start / should be same as final weigh in
  • Weekly Weigh In Required between Monday – Thursday (by noon)
  • Final Weigh In – must be recorded no later then 3/5/20
    • Weight will be registered either on Google Sheet or APP to be created by Deflated (thank you in advance)
  • Winner will be based on % total weight loss
  • Payout:
    • 40% goes to Individual Winner
    • 20% goes to 2nd Place
    • 10% goes to 3rd Place
    • 30% goes to Top Team
  • All rules and interpretations of rules are left to Commish (YHC) to decide
    • If you have complaints on format, we appreciate feedback and look forward to the 2021 competition you have taken the Q on


Individual Component:

  • Top 3 Pax who lose the highest % of weight from initial weigh in get paid based on % above.  Weights must be registered on official scale to count.


Team Component: (part where we completely confuse Damascus and need to answer 30 questions on Noush Anal (News Channel)  (helpless EFFEE plug #fusedit) :

  • The Commish (YHC) will determine team assignments based on registered Pax
    • Format TBD – random, XFL Style, or other way to improve YHC chances to win
  • Points will be awarded based on order of finish for individual score (ex: 20 participants – 1st place gets 20 pts, 2nd place 19pts…..20th place 1 pt)
  • Will drop lowest individual score of team
  • Will combine remaining scores for highest total team score

Weekly Challenge:

  • After each weekly weigh in, we will determine the individual leader board standings
  • Anyone in the Top 50% receives no penalty
  • Anyone in the Bottom 50% receives penalty as follows (must be completed prior to next weekly weigh in)
  • Fail to record a weight for the week you automatically receive that weeks penalty

Weekly Penalties:

  • Week 1 – 100 Merkins
  • Week 2 –  100 Bobby Hurley’s
  • Week 3 – 100 Speed Skaters
  • Week 4 – 100 Burpees
  • Week 5 – 200 Merkins
  • Week 6 -200 Bobby Hurley’s
  • Week 7 – 200 Speed Skaters
  • Final – 200 Burpees


Look forward to some friendly competition and banter and seeing who will win some cash.



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