“He’s a virgin, it’s supposed to be a tight circle”

“He’s a virgin, it’s supposed to be a tight circle”

Warm Up

Mosey around the parking lot and circle by cars (nice tight circle)

  • 20 SSH
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • Calf stretch
  • Jimmy Dugan

The Thang

Mosey to far corner by bus entrance.

4 Corners around the the front of the school full length alternating 5 merkins and 5 BBS at each corner

End where we started and circle back for the 6.

Light poles to the end alternating 10 merkins and 10 Bobby Hurleys

Mosey to the corner of the parking lot for some more corners. Start with Tysons, run to the next corner and do a workout then run back. Hit every workout on the way to the next corner then back:

5 Tysons

10 H2H

15 Dry docks

20 Am. Hammers

25 LBCs

Recover for 6 to stay at the last corner instead of heading back.

A few more minutes? …. Bear Crawl to COT with 5 merkins between each island (15 merkins total? Not sure – I think I blacked out)


Thank you guys for letting me lead today for my Boot Camp VQ. Appreciate everyone giving a great push (we got 3+ miles and roasted shoulders) and we definitely earned those Thanksgiving calories this week!

Thank you for taking us out Mad Dog.


Prayers to Old McDonald, Mad Dog, and their families – they are going through some rough points and I know our brothers here are supporting them. There are others having a tough time so let’s make sure we always look to reach out and help, especially during the holidays we remember all we have to be thankful for.

Thanksgiving – Elon Park football game 7am, Lawson & Millbridge both have 5ks.

Dec. 7 – Effies at Briarcrest. BYOB, chips, snacks, no money needed.

Dec. 14 – Waxhaw cleanup, after commitment there is coffeteria at Crossroads in town, then cleanup after

Dec. 14 – Zin’s Holiday Beer Share – bring beer and have fun

Friday – Volunteer opportunity for Weddington playoff football game. With the relaunch of the Weddington site this is a good way to get back in their good graces. Time: from half hour before to half hour after game.

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Smithers author

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