I triple dog dare ya…

I triple dog dare ya…

Wednesday morning at Dromedary, its gonna be a cold one, temps really dropped overnight. Who can I dare to stick their tongue on the flagpole?? Maybe Recalc– I mean he was crazy enough to show up in a short sleeve shirt. I think it was right around 27 although I overheard someone say actually feels like 17 with the wind. Dasher and Goodfella finishing up their pre-run as I pull into the parking lot. 20 pax showed up to brave the cold this morning, more than I expected. I dressed warm enough with plenty of layers but I intend to keep the group moving so the rest don’t get too cold.


Mosey around the parking lot, circle up

  • SSH IC 20
  • IW IC 15
  • MT Climbers IC 10
  • Plank hold, down 6 inches hold, repeat twice

The Thang

Mosey over to school entry driveway, at every light post 5 bombjacks, 10 merkins all the way down to globe

Mosey over towards lane by tennis courts, alternating between 10 speed skaters and 10 dry docks at each light post till the end past middle school

Mosey to covered awning at middle school, partner up. one partner runs half lap, other does reps. 150 derkins, 150 dips, 150 step ups

Grab some wall, 11s of Mike Tysons and Donkey kicks. Find out this is a bad idea after getting to 7MT/4DK, audible to odd numbers rest of way (5/6, 3/8, 1/9)

Mosey long way back past mobile trailers pass track, back towards bus parking lot, wait by buses for the 6, (another bad idea sucking in bus exhaust fumes). Head back toward high school parking lot.

Grab some pavement for some ab work.

  • 25 LBCs
  • 20 gas pumps
  • 20 Rosalitas
  • 20 box cutters
  • 20 Heels to Heaven (Goodfella’s choice and count)
  • 20 Freddy Mercurys

Three minutes left, Brain to frozen to think of what to finish up with, audible from weinke, run as many laps as possible up to top of parking lot and back to start before times up.

Announcements- Holiday party on Saturday, Gladiator on Saturday

The Moleskin

It was great to see 19 other guys out this morning to join me in the cold weather. To be honest, I probably would have fartsacked in these temps if I wasn’t on Q, so I admire the dedication by the other pax to keep posting whether its cold, hot, rainy etc. I’ve been slacking off a little as well as my knee is bothering me, but that’s no excuse, I can always start hanging with the Mash unit. I can’t remember who took us out, I guess thats what happens when you write a backblast 5 days after the workout. Good thing I wasn’t writing one for the Floater.

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