Tag Archive Fireman Ed

Back to School, Very Un-Moderate, Beatdown

ByGoonie Aug 31, 2018

14 men including me this Monday morning, I was VQ Warmup: -Slaughter Starter (modified – 10 burpees versus 20) Workout: -Ran to William Da

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Beaver nails it

BySwiss Miss Aug 30, 2018

First things first - Borrow Tweetsie’s cell phone for devotional Bible phrases on forgiveness (Thank you, Tweetsie!) Corpse Pose and Dev

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Hammering the hips

BySwiss Miss Aug 8, 2018

YHC was today's substi-Q for Sony, who is facing some serious health problems that have the doctors stumped. (Prayers for his return to health!)

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Hump day stretch

ByCocktail Aug 1, 2018

Devotion was on leadership Started with corpse pose. Child pose Cat/ cow Down dog Table top wrist stretch Cobra pose Down dog Low l

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Base Camp Sweat Shop

ByThunderRoad Jul 31, 2018

Eleven Men gathered at South Charlotte Middle School bright and early to start the week off right.  Thankfully, the rain held off but in the end

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“It’s gonna be a lot harder to flip people off today”

ByGoonie Jul 23, 2018

YHC sent Hannibal, the scheduled 7/23 Base Camp Q, an email Sunday morning to confirm his Q make sure he didn't forget he had volunteered to Q Ba

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Kent, I believe the pyramidal tracks are housing development outside of Cairo.

ByGummy Jul 16, 2018

14 men gathered in a middle school parking lot to get the week started off right. Through some kind of scheduling glitch, I have four Qs this we

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Is Phil Donahue Still Alive?

ByGeraldo Jul 14, 2018

9 PAX, including 1 FNG, made the questionable choice and posted at #F3 Ascent and here's how it went down. COP: Take a warm up lap around t

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Picked a tough day to start swinging bells again

ByFletch Jul 3, 2018

Got a friendly reminder from ChinMusic that I was due to lead Skunkworks last week after being missing in action for the last few months. Glad t

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Some Q rust at Base Camp

ByBugeater Jun 25, 2018

18 pax came out to Base Camp today. A workout happened. Disclaimer, then something like: SSH x 25 IW x 20 BK x 23 MC x 15 LBC x 25

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