Tag Archive Clover

Beach Season

ByAlf Apr 10, 2019

A balmy 60 degrees this morning has me feeling like it's beach season. That and Baracus posting in his swim trunks. Just glad to have him and

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New route

BySemi-Gloss Apr 4, 2019

11 pax came out for a venture through some new area.  Mosey to brynwood COP 15 IW Cad 15 MC Cad 15 Merkins Cad

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Back In The Saddle

ByEscargot Mar 30, 2019

It has been several years since my last Q, but it was fitting for my return to be at The Centurion.  I hope everyone enjoyed the blast from

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Bad Decisions

BySpackler Mar 28, 2019

14 pax wished Marge and Queen a happy retirement from their site Q duties. It was truly something special and no doubt they chose the best Q to

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Irish morning

ByThunderRoad Mar 19, 2019

The gloom arrived an hour earlier this Monday thanks to the bi-yearly movement of time. Hannibal, Thunder Road, Smash, Marge, Bugeater, Clov

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Et tu HIPAA? YHC’s First Year of F3: A Story Told in Interpretive Dance and Burpees

ByHIPAA Mar 15, 2019

15 true #HIMs betrayed the comfort of their own beds and instead crushed  a workout fit for Ceasar this morning on the Ides of March. This

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Happy Birthday to YHC! Hope you like bricks.

ByHIPAA Mar 14, 2019

Launch Conditions: 39-ish degrees (Some disagreement on this point. Spackler informed us that he had to ditch WeatherBug when it caused a foot o

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Record skip

ByBrushback Mar 8, 2019

Clear cool morning, quick disclaimer Moving COP (x4): 5 burpees OYO, 10 merkins IC, 15 LS squat IC, 20 Freddie Mercury IC Thang Rocks

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Anxiously Awaiting Puberty

ByJetFuel Mar 8, 2019

15 PAX descended onto the finest elementary school (not named Elizabeth Lane) in South Charlotte for an all out assault on the body, mind, and s

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Spring Training

ByRevlon Feb 28, 2019

Spring (fog) was in the air this morning as 13 PAX, including 1 FNG, came ready to get in shape for the season. YHC was honored to lead and gave

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