Devil’s Turn

The Hills of Piper Glen

ByHoney Bee Mar 27, 2014

8 men defied good judgement and posted at Devil's Turn for hill intervals in the infamous Piper Glen neighborhood.  By the end, all the PAX ques

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Preblast: Devil’s Turn – Hill Intervals

ByHoney Bee Mar 26, 2014

Can you hear that?  The hills of Piper Glen are calling you.  Ignore your better judgement and post at Devil's Turn for some hill intervals to

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Preblast: Devil’s Turn

ByHoney Bee Mar 19, 2014

So the Thornruck is over (proud to say RT and I made it through) and the Mudrun is on the horizon.  Now is the time to work on our VO2 max again

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Runaround at the Turn

ByTurkey Leg Mar 17, 2014

5 men got the runaround last Thursday at Devil's Turn The Thang Moderate tempo run out to the school Lap around track and regroup* at end of f

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Beeps, clicks, and whistles

ByHoney Bee Mar 6, 2014

10 men answered the call and posted at Devil's Turn for a triple (modified to quadruple) threat offense consisting of the following options betwe

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Preblast: Devil’s Turn 3/6

ByHoney Bee Mar 5, 2014

Last week was a great run out to the middle school and back.  So why mess with a good thing? Let's go with the tried and true triple threat at

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Watch the miles tick by

ByHoney Bee Feb 27, 2014

5:13 AM came and 9 men emerged from their cars into the brisk morning air ready for a 4 to 6 mile run.  YHC had contemplated heading to new grou

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Preblast: Devil’s Turn – Feb 27

ByHoney Bee Feb 26, 2014

After looking over the backblasts from SIB and Fast Twitch and experiencing the beat down at Bag Pipes on Tuesday, I think the PAX could use a go

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Preblast: Devil’s Turn – Ranger Test (revisited)

ByHoney Bee Feb 5, 2014

It was roughly 3 months ago that the men of Devil's Turn took on the Ranger Physical Fitness Test (RPFT).  YHC still has the sticky note with th

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Lost in the hills of Piper Glen

ByHoney Bee Jan 30, 2014

8 PAX including 1 FNG entered the frigid morning gloom with traces of snow and ice still on the sidewalks and roads.  The plan for Devil's Turn

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