Preblast: Devil’s Turn – Ranger Test (revisited)

Preblast: Devil’s Turn – Ranger Test (revisited)

It was roughly 3 months ago that the men of Devil’s Turn took on the Ranger Physical Fitness Test (RPFT).  YHC still has the sticky note with the results of the last test and it is time to check in and see the progress.

Even if you did not join us last Halloween for the RPFT, show up this time to get a baseline for the next installment of the test.  It is a great benchmark for future progress.

The adjusted test is comprised of 4 parts:

1)    2 minutes of perfect form merkins

2)    2 minutes of full sit-ups

3)    5 mile run

4)    AMRAP pull-ups

The proposed 5 mile loop is included below.  To get in the pull-ups, we will stop at mile 2.3 at William R. Davie Park (D on the map).  After restarting the timer, we will continue past South Charlotte Middle School and onto our standard path back to the start.


The idea is to max out on each of the events to determine your current fitness level.

Here is the rough schedule:

Begin: 5:15 at Rea Rd. and Bevington Pl (warmed up and ready to go)

Push-up Challenge: 5:15 – 5:17

Sit-up Challenge: 5:18 – 5:20

5-mile Run Challenge: 5:20 – 6:15 (with stop for pull-ups @ William R. Davie Park)

End: 6:15 convene for COT

See you in the gloom!

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Honey Bee author

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