
Buckets Required for Snatch and Jerk

ByGeneral Mar 29, 2017

Fresh off of a a leg smashing weekend at the P200, YHC turned down the pre-run option and invitation from Fire Hazard for this morning. Anticipat

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Passing off the Q …. to a set of dice?

ByGoonie Mar 29, 2017

Inspired by the Weinkes of some other esteemed pax (MT, Wild Turkey), YHC decided to switch it up a bit and see what would happen. This was eith

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Saitama “One Punch Man” Training Day!

ByFault Line Mar 28, 2017

By the time I pulled into an eerie empty parking lot, the rain stopped and it was a cool 58 degrees...perfect running/bootcamp weather. I was joi

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Everything is better with Cheddar

ByCheddar Mar 27, 2017

15 Fine Men showed up for the Cheddar Special on a perfect Saturday Morning COP 20xSSH In Cadence (IC) 20xMerkins IC 20 Mountain Climbers IC 20

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Build the wall!! Build the wall!!

ByDiego Morales Mar 27, 2017

YHC woke up at 3:58am not from nervousness about my VQ but from a nightmare where I was being chased by INS (immigration for you non-foreigners).

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F3 > Gladiator @ the Big House

ByGeneral Mar 27, 2017

YHC wanted to hit the Big House early to scope out the terrain and make sure it was appropriate for the planned workout. In the distance by the b

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A Trip Down Memory Lane. Rockin’ to the 80’s.

Byarchive Mar 27, 2017

WARM UP Side Straddle Hop x 30 Cotton Picker x 15 Imperial Walker x 20 Merkin x 15 Mountain Climber x 20 Plank Jack x 20 THE THANG

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Fun with Logs

ByBottlecap Mar 24, 2017

A special day down in "The Haw" (trademark).  A Site Q handoff has been in the works for a few weeks.  Between Hollywood's son's lack of sleep

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Perfecting the Slow Fast Run

ByHoover Mar 24, 2017

Eleven men showed up expecting partner carries this morning and got told to slow-run short distances quickly.  YHC didn't have all his verbal sk

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“Heels to Memphis”

ByMichael Bolewitz Mar 23, 2017

Fresh off a weekend full of March Madness, 16 men headed out for a Tuesday morning beat down.  Kudos to Paper Jam for calling out "heel to Memph

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