
Crowd Favorites

ByEnron May 21, 2017

22 Pax showed up fro YHC's final Q as a resident of the UC.   To make the last Q extra special, exercises were chosen based on the high level o

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12 PAX discovered Fredo was not the weakest brother.

ByFredo May 21, 2017

After a much anticipated and over advertised VQ, (If you didn't see Tuck's posts you must have closed your eyes for about 3 weeks) 12 men showed

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Nostalgia at Rock Zero

ByAlf May 20, 2017

12 men posted for the now combined Saturday workout - Rock Zero.  (2 others were across the lot at High T and joined us for the first 5 minutes

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Help Me Move my Sandbags

ByPoptart May 20, 2017

I rolled up in the parking lot and found a few guys waiting, and then the rest showed up. Mosey around the school back to the front so we could p

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12 Hombres tackled the hill

ByLex Luthor May 19, 2017

We had a great morning to get together and tackle the workout.  Busch stopped by while dropping off his son for a field trip.  He didn't seem i

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Recovery Day My Arse

ByGeneral May 19, 2017

YHC made an extra early to the gym this morning on the 2 mile drive to Fat Camp with the following goals in mind: Cleanse the gurgling demo

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“Logging” some miles at Impromptu

ByBottlecap May 19, 2017

Posted on behalf of Goodfella: With lots of chatter the past few days about turning ankles, soccer arms and tennis chest, yoga not being “ma

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The Ol’ Track Coach

ByRetread May 19, 2017

14 PAX assembled at SCMS on a warm, humid morning to get faster and fitter. The Thang After a brief disclaimer, warm-up mile to the end of Stra

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Big League Q

ByBig League Chew May 19, 2017

14 scalawags posted with their flack jackets on for live rounds at Kevlar courtesy of BLC's VQ of the friday morning lovefest. Mosey to lower pa

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Hiding In Plain Gloom

ByRachel May 19, 2017

Ten real men showed up to The Brave for some hard work this morning. The Thang Mosey from the launch over to the parking lot in front of the bu

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