14 scalawags posted with their flack jackets on for live rounds at Kevlar courtesy of BLC’s VQ of the friday morning lovefest.
Mosey to lower parking lot in front.
25x ssh
8x figure 8s for the shoulders forward and reverse ( a Rhymer Fitness special)
5x burpies
15x windmills
15x LSS (losen up those hips)
Mosey to court yard
Partner up
80x Tag team burpies
P1 burpies
P2 run around circles
flapjack till 80 bur pies are reached
Mosey back to lower parking lot
Tag Team merkins to 200x
200x Merkins off the curb ( going for the bench press feel)
p1 merkins
P2 run around parking lot
flapjack till 200 merkins ar reached
Mosey to soccer field
3 man grinder
200 WW2 on one end
Lunges on the other end
run in between
Mosey back to the start using the backstretch
20x merkins at each intersection
Then jail break on the backstretch
Mosey to little field
Capt. Dan across (Squat,lunge, burpie adding reps as you go, 1,2,3…etc)
4 minute plank challenge
Did anyone hold a plank the whole time? YHC didn’t!
YHC did hear a few Big League Q impersonations during the mumble chatter. Keep it coming!
Hey, it was an honor to lead you guys! Sorry for the mustangs who didn’t get to open it up more.
Kevlar has always been my favorite place to post! Let’s do it again next week! Thanks,Faultline for putting me in the driverseat for this one!
8 strong men ventured out on a cold November Saturday morning for some punishment.
20 2 hand swings
25 SSH
20 swings
20 IW
20 swings
15 merkins
15 Mtn Climbers
10 merkins
10 mtn climbers
5 merkins
5 mtn climbers
Main Event
2 teams of 4
team1 Farmers Carry
team2 10 merkins
flap jack to Mt Olympus 1/2 mile away
Top of the Mountain do the following;
20 swings, clean and press, goblet squats, lawn mowers
sprint as a team to bottom of Mt. Olympus
5 merkins as a team
sprint to the top
repeat cycle laddering down to 15,10, 5, then back to 10
Team farmers carries back with squat chaser
Go to play ground
team 1 knees to elbows
team 2 clean and press
flap jack 2 times
last 5 minutes 200 meter sprints at the top of the minute
-I can’t compete with The Hoff (Man Mountian as he is know by his lifting crew with Kobra Kai) and Gullah when it comes to iron and sleds so I thought I’d take it back to Mt Olympus with some farmers carries and wind sprints and Kettle Bells.
-All 8 of you guys crushed it!
-This is what I call leading from behind as I was the slowest guy up that Mountian.
-Kudos for Yankie resisting the fart sac and getting his butt out here where he belongs.
SSH 10x
Toe Touches 10x
Running late so lets do this!
Farmers Carry with a 10 merkin chaser to Mount Olympus .5 miles
Kettle Bell Ladder at top of the Mountain as follows;
Goblet Squats, Swings, Snatches/Rack and Press, and Lawn Mowers or Bent Over Rows
4 Rounds
Run down Mount Olympus and back between rounds
Farmers Carry with 10 Merkin Chaser back to ELE.
Run around Track 1x
Pull Ups 5x
Flutter Kick Dollys 20x
4 Rounds
Game Over!
No one showed…oh wait there is Hacker at the last second. He seemed hesitant but I applied the EH and said , “Lets do this, me and you!”
Someone came in hot but before I could get around the car to see who. They bolted like lightening out of the parking lot. I guess the Big Leagues ant for everybody! (eheemmm Night Court)
Cheech and Chong must be in town because their “Up in Smoke” van passed us doing Farmers Carries. Contact high while doing 1/2 mile farmers carries makes for interesting PT.
I was on my way to the Rock but Hacker pulled in just in time. Thanks for not backing out Hack.
Hack seemed to spend a lot of time waiting on me during rounds. Sorry to slow you down, brother. It was a pleasure pting with you. I hope you got your moneys worth.
What we lack in pax we made up for with the combined 1 mile Farmers Carries!
It was an honor to lead today!
Oh yeah, T-claps to Mr Hanky and Kobra Kai for crushing the Goruck Challenge today. They must be smoking what Hacker and I smoked from the “Up in Smoke” van!
Pandaemonium and mayhem ensued when11 men posted for strength and conditioning training courtesy of Byron’s Traveling Circus of Pain with a little Big League Chew thrown in.
14 stations
1. Sprint length of parking lot. Change stations when sprinter returns.
2. KB Swing / snatch ( / = alternating). Size is Dealers Choice
3. Sledge Hammer Pounds / Tire Flip
4. Sand Bag (40lb) Shovel Lunges
5. Dolly (on wheels) Knee Tucks
6. Farmers Carry Implements (100 lb each)
7. Sled Pulls / Rows (100 lb)
8. Bench Press / Pull Overs 25, 50, and 60 lb. Dumb Bells. Size is Dealers Choice.
9. Battle Rope
10. Metal Log Clean and Press. 75 lb. plus extra plates for The Hoff
11. Ab Wheel
12. Power Burpies with 12 lb. DB in Each Hand
13. Shoulder Mobility Swing. 20 lb DB attached to end of Rope
14. Banded Bear Crawls
–2 Evolutions of the above
Called KB PT while Pax Runs with Bone Crusher (80 lb. Sand Bag) around COP
1. 2 Handed Swings
2. High Pulls
3. Burpies
4. Uprt. Rows
5. Curls
6. Goblet SquatsAnd several others. YHC is blacking out at this point
Second Evolution was Sled pulls with more KB.
-Mighty Mite is the Silent Assassin.
– Hacker is unstoppable.
-The Pax called time on the Q but the Q’s watch still had 4 minutes left.The Hoff backed the Q so we pushed for 4 more minutes. Thanks Hoff.
-Mr. Hanky also came in and called for 20 Burpies to finish us off. The Pax not happy about that. You just can’t out work this guy! No matter what, he pushes his team through to the end weather we like it or not. I want this guy on my team getting’ in my face demanding more from me at the end! #Class990&1064GRT. He does what needs to be done every time! Setting the pace when it needs to be set is what he does!
-The Farmers Carry Implements had some of the pax looking cross eyed and opting for RDL with a 24k KB. However they did get a piece of the implements. Way to go guys. Those thing were no joke 100+ lbs each one!
– The sprint turned into a recovery jog as it was the only station without weight.
It is always humbling and an honor to lead you guys. Strong work by all and great fellowship. 5 yrs ago I was one sad clown who took no joy in PT. Now, thanks to Rhymer Fitness, F3, and SPEARHEAD the weekly beatdowns are nothing short of a good time!
– I wanted to do some Fast Twitch wind sprints at the end but just didn’t pull the trigger in time.
– Gotta love strong man training! Hope no one got injured with it all.
-Red, Light, and Blue–Sign up while you still can!
-Olympus will converge at Ascent next Saturday with High Tide delivering the punishment.
10 Ladies posted for a wintery mix(so says the weather man) Kettle Bell smokefest.
Night Court is now in session!
SSH 25x
Merkins 20x
LBC 20x
mosey to the BB court parking lot.
3 exercises 10x 3 rounds 3 times
1. KB Bicep curls
KB Tricep extensions
goblet Squats
Sprint to 2nd BB Goal 5 burpies, then 10 burpies, then 15 burpies
2. Swing
Lunge (L&R)
Sumo Squats
Sprint to 2nd BB goal 5 burpie, 10 burpis, 15 burpies
3.High Pulls
wide arm merkins
dolly w/kb press
sprint to 2nd BB goal 5 burpies, 10 burpies, 5 burpies
Then called up to the Big Leagues;
20 KB swings 5x nonstop
Run around school
Partner up!
P1 cross fit bur pie w/ 2 KB (KB merkin, renegade row, burpie squat press)
P2 run around the island
flapjack 4x
P1 Goblet squat
P2 Run around island
flapjack 2 x
P1 kb Snatch
P2 Run you know were
Flapjack 2x
Circle up facing out for team russian twists to the left then to the right
Plank facing in KB drags to the left then to the right
10 merkins
-Lots of “Hat Dropping” this am. See Kevlar BB if you don’t know what that is.
-Wolfman wanted to run so we did.
-100 swings was paired down from the planned 300. Some didn’t like the nonstop swing…. ehahm WM. Practice those swings ’cause if I’m on Q I will bring ’em back out.
-T-claps to Lab Rat for being my partner and lifting that 20k KB.
-T-claps to Night Court for the smokefest sentence he passed down on the Pax. Wasn’t sure how my part would go down after that.
-T-claps to the PAX for a strong finish after a brutal start. Great teamwork on the ending cop.
T-claps to Spider for his first post to Olympus.
– Yes YHC still 49 and holding.
Thanks Gullah for letting us lead. It’s a real honor to lead a strong group of men. Anytime you need help I’m here.
7 hearty souls decided to exit the fart sack and punch Ole Man Winter in the throat.
This is how we did it.
Grab coupons and ruck down to the football field. Deposit coupons at the 50 yrd sideline across from the bench. However no bench warmers among these SH Faithful!
1/4 mile jog around track
Power Stations
1. 40lb. sand bag Hammer Chop
2. 30lb. Ruck Russian Twist with occasional dollies and flutters to break up the monotony
3. 40lb. SB Clean and Press
4. 30lb. Ruck Bear Hug Squat
5. 2 40lb Ruck Farmers Carries to opposite sideline and back-this was our time keeper. when he returns we all switch stations.
6. Bridgestone 215-65-R15 Tire Throw—a new SH gadget
7. 2 35lb Kettle Bells for Renegade Row Man Makers with optional Bent Over Rows
8. 20 Kilo KB swings
Optional task was to grab a partner and ruck the telephone pole around track
Rotate twice and run a 1/4 mile lap around track. We rotated 2 and 1/2 times for 5 posts at each power station.
-No one took the challenge of the optional task of rucking the telephone poll. Maybe next time.
-Possibly the coldest post ever. Wind was brutal coming out of turns 1 and 4.
-T-Claps for Mighty Might claiming his 9th SH post. Strong work out there MM. He has earned his patch.
-T-Claps to Liquor Cycle who is now pumping iron with The Hoff. Watch out!
-Charlotte Rescue Mission F3 workout on Saturdays at 9am.Come and be blessed!
– Thanks Rev. Flow Rida for the closing prayer. Strong medicine!
– It was a pleasure leading you men today. Thank you for the privilege.
10 rucktarts ventured into the gloom fully loaded to pay their respects to Grandma bearing gifts on she would appreciate. This is how the deal went down.
1/2 Mile Ruck–Pick up telephone pole, 2 man log and 3 smaller logs from the woods. Proceed to ruck to grandmas ( Carmel Rd. Park Football Field). 15 minutes later we were lined up under field goal.
10x 8 count no 6 count body builders
Divide into two teams with LC leading one and YHC the other
Over and Under 120 yrds. to opposite field goal
15x Squat hold and touch side of foot with hand on a 3 count
Bear Crawls 120 yards to opposite field goal with 30 merkins along the way
40x Squats on a 3 count
Ruck back with telephone pole and logs
Tuck logs back in the bushes
100 yd. Sniper drills on football field with 5 merkins when down 30 total
100 yrd. Low crawl or 50yrd low crawl and 50 yd lunges (Pax picked their poison)
Mole Skin
-I made the mistake of suggesting to Mighty Mite that they might want to speed it up on the 2 man log to catch up with the others on the way to Grandma’s House. I think he wanted to take a swing at me. Thankfully, I was out of reach.
-T-claps to Liquor Cycle for helping lead. You guys were more together than we were.
-T-claps to Double Trouble and Sundancer SH_FNGs hope you guys come back out
-T-claps to Mighty Mite and Donkey Kong. They are both in “Heavy” mode. Donkey Kong should have no problems with any time hacks at the Bragg Heavy. We left Grandmas early thinking we might be a little slower getting back but DK pulled away quick with the telephone pole leaving the pax in the dust. I know because I was on the tail end of the TP with no relief in sight. Thanks Check Point for catching up to me and surfing the TP to its resting place.
-T-claps to BTB and Wolfman for 4:15am preruck
-Strong work by a great bunch of guys! It was an honor leading you men. Look forward to doing it again on Friday!
SPHEARHEAD is calling all Rucktards who signed up for the Challenge in March. Tuesday (1/21) 5:15am we take a trip to Grandma’s house bearing gifts and playing games. It is time for you to join Grandma’s dysfunctional family as she will get you ready for what the Cadre will be serving up in March. You don’t want to get caught off guard. Grandma loves her chilrens! Come feel her motherly embrace. Winners get to lite her cigar and get her a beer from the fridge. You know you want to you know you need to!
Friday at 5:30 it’s power stations and forest patrol.
14 Pax decided to enjoy the early gloom of The Foxhole. The bullets were flying…er..a… kettle bells. Almost anyway as Launch Pad and Blue Steal came in HOT to our new parking place. This was my first Q leading a gear workout so I didn’t want to disappoint. My neon green watch that debuted at Day Zero and was coveted by Tiger Rag had given up the ghost so Mighty Mite became the official time keeper.
SSH 25
Imperial Walka 25
Peter Parker 25
Mtn Climbers 25
Merkins 20
Freddy Mercury 20
Mosey to center field of synthetic turf for more COP-
Ladder from 7 to 1
2 hand swing
Goblet Squat
Snatch L, R
Flutter Kick Dolly press 20x
Run to Goal line and back
Line up on side line and partner up size don’t matter-
P1 2 hand high pull
P2 sprint to other side line back peddle to mid field sprint back
P1 Reverse Lunge
P2 Slide L then R back peddle sprint
P1 Rack and Press Left
P2 Karaoke L, R, back peddle, sprint
P1 Rack and Press R
P2 Karaoke L, R, BP, Sprint
P1 Lateral KB Drag across body in Plank Position
P2 Karaoke L, R, BP, Sprint
P1 Snatch Matrix L
P2 Karaoke L, R, BP, Sprint
P1 Snatch Matrix R
P2 Karaoke L, R, BP, Sprint
Farmers Carry with a 5 merkin chaser around soccer field.
Lift’em high for mosey back to parking lot for COT
Mole Skin:
T claps for youngsters Blue Steel and Launch Pad for posting 3 Mondays in a row. I warn you it’s habit forming. You almost sent to pax diving for the bushes ( without KB) coming in hot like that. However I don’t think you car would have faired so well hitting a pile of KB’s especially Mighty Mites cannon ball. The handle on that thing is as big as the bell it self. Pax was mostly quiet except a few growns over the 7’s ladder. The Snatch Matrix comes courtesy of Byron from Metro. However I should’ve introduced it before I was already smoked as I believe I threw my back out. Should’a kept my back straight like I said. I hope everyone got their monies worth. I was pretty thrashed. Thanks Mighty Mite for the time… nothing like reading your watch while swinging that cannon ball. Thanks Market Time and Honey Bee for the Q. Anyone thinking if Qing The Foxhole forget weinkies it’s too dark. Strong work by the pax and great closing prayer. Hope to do it again, gentlemen. See you in the “Gloom.” Next Monday no Foxhole. See you at the Convergence.