3 legged dog

3 legged dog

As we get closer to GrowRuck- 21, the little AO that could, continues to see some new faces and some regular ones.  We were a strong 5 until our newest FNG- Scratch and Win came in HOT, exited his vehicle and off we went.

The Warm Up

YHC grabbed all his sandbags and offered various weights to the different Pax.  Considering the regulars were expecting to ruck with additional weight, most came prepared.  Now with rucks and extra weight, we headed to the bottom of Rising Meadow and Round Run for  simple 3 legged dog.

The Thang

3 Paths: Rising Meadow,  Rounding Run both East and West. as we rucked to the hill peak.

Rising Meadow: Merkins x15 / Swings x15 / Curls x15

Rounding Run (E): Overhead press (shoulder to shoulder) x15 / Tricep extensions x15 / Good Morning x15

Rounding Run (W): High pull x15 / Lunges x15 (each leg)  / Bent Over row x15


Intersection of all 3 w/ each trip

5 Burpees w/ ruck

Squats w/ ruck and sandbag

30 of some abs- Dolly, Russian Twist, Big Boy sit ups w/ruck


Together we tackled all 3 locations x2 trips up each.  Once it was time, we grabbed ruck and sandbag and headed home…few guys wanted to hit 2 miles, so some wandering around at base and DONE

Thank you Scratch and Win for the prayer


  • 2nd F beer stop…look for it on Slack or reach out to Hoover
  • Snowflake has the Q next week.

Mole Skinny:

  • executed Plan B today.  Similar to Plan A, ruck with extra weight, Plan A was shared coupons and with YHC under the weather…we opted to keep one item and work in some PT in-between.
  • Welcome Site FNG’s- Prohibition and Scratch and Win.  I believe this was their first time under ruck and extra weight.  Solid work
  • Scratch and Win hit me up the night before and asked a few questions about the AO, the workout and what was needed- that’s some preparation
  • Pro just showed up unannounced and an open mind
  • Both killed this workout…too easy or to polite to complain
  • Missing was Midrift  and Udder.  Middrift was a SC with kid issues.  Udder was unannounced but has issues, so there is that
  • Geraldo was killing this as usual.  Besides having a steel mental trap, he was always in the lead…makes it look easy (may need to amp up the weight)
  • Wild Turkey was silently killing it as well.  Not pushing the pace, but hitting every rep with proper form…well done
  • Snow Flake is a beast, although he overslept to make the walk from his house ( 3 miles), he warmed up on the track with ruck and sandbag
  • Prohibition mentioned that he really enjoyed the format and promised to be back, maybe a regular…would love to have more guys check this site out.  We always have extra stuff
  • Scratch and Win is the newest Pax to sign up for the GrowRuck in Aug.  Still time, sign up.  Over 100 Pax so far
  • Not sure about you all, but that way home crushed my soul.  Between uphill walks and the extra weight, if it was not for WT, Geraldo and Pro in-front of me for motivation, I may have set that sandbag down and come back for it.

About the author

Cheese Curd author

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