WARM-UP * Mosey lap around CMS Front Parking Circle
* 20 Rocking night clubs * 20 Side Straddle Hops *20 Imperial Walkers
*Plank Position – Calf Stretches, Jack Knifes, Downward dog, Upward Dog.
* Mosey to doing 3 Merkins at each light pole to front of high school hill for sevens:
Top Hill – 1 Mike Tysons / Bottom Hill – 6 (2 is 1) Speed Skaters, 2/5, 3/4, 4/3, 5/2, 6/1.
* Mosey to back of the High School parking lot in back for 4 Corners – Burpees in the center, exercises in each corner:
Round 1: Start with 3 Burpees in the center
(25) Bobby Hurleys / 3 Burpees center
(25) Jump Squats / 3 Burpees center
(25) Freddie Mercuries / 3 Burpees center
(25) Big Boys / 3 Burpees center
Round 2: Start with 5 Squats in the center
(25) Mountain Climbers / 5 Squats center
(25) Heels to Heaven / 5 Squats center
(25) Backward Lunges (1 is 1) / 5 Squats center
(25) LBCs / 5 Squats center
* Mosey back to front circle of CMS for Jack Webb’s. 1 Merkin/4 Air Press..2/8, 3/12..up to 10/40.
*Mosey back for COT
16 Pax endured a MOIST Monday morning workout. Nice work fellas…appreciate the honor to lead and serve my brothers!
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