Hey, its just a headline, leave me alone!
Started off with an alarm this morning that woke me from a deep sleep. The M thought it was Thursday and was asking where YHC was going saying, “where you going, you have Hockey tonight?” i replied, nope, its wednesday.. Guess its already been that type of week. As I waddled out of the room to get ready, every bone was cracking and muscles sore from the days prior.. Man, I just want to go back to bed, but the pax were counting on me. so I muster up the strength an head out to MRHS half awake and yawning.Finally nice weather, so the Tank came out… No sun just yet, but OneStar noticed the Guns were out in preperation.. DICCS applied, Lets mosey.
Warmup: 1st mosey to the HS lot with some Good ole Pickle and Goo stretching.. Calf stretch/Run stretch/glute stretch, cross armed stretch and behind back arm stretch..
2nd mosey to other side of lot for regular warmup. 15IC IW, SSH, Potato Pickers.
THANG: Remembering this was Cico De Mayo last night, had to switch up the counts and exercises to accommodate…. So, mosey over to small track and pick a partner and Rock. Each pax does 55 of each of the 5 exercise while the other partner runs with 5 burpees at the far corner:
this got some groans as many of us picked a bit larger of a rock than expected.
Mary with some Hernias for the 6.
Head to the MS cafeteria for some Circuit work: Bear Crawl up the path first.
At the Cafeteria 55 of each exercise split up in segments
Back to COT as we slow for the 6, 1 burpee at each of the 10 tree/shrub, at COT Heels to heaven IC for the 6.
Lots of Pax were a bit sore since there had been some layovers the last few weeks whether on IR or traveling for work. this is the second day posting with 18 other pax. its a good number to have as there can be decent conversation.. most involving trips to the Wells Fargo this week…Enjoy it if you go, I got caught in the rainstorms Monday..
As usual, fun times with leading the group and Q’n a different AO than I normally do. Luckily everyone kept their sleeves today. weather is beautiful, so enjoy the day!!
Welcome FNG Mark Collins (RR) “The Grouch” hes from Rochester and name is taken from the Garbage plate and garbage being Oscar the Grouch.. Brought in by Bouncehouse and Pocahontas
Murph on Mem day
Blood drive 6/19
Need Q’s for Last call and Body shop
possibly looking at a new location for Last call to be a later start(maybe Publix on Newtown)
Led the group with prayer askign to look over those that are battling various ailmentsthat they are keeping inside and not ready to share with others at the moment which prompted Premature to say a few words following up from Zinfandels BB from yesterday about Anxiety and willing to help others when they do express their inner thoughts or emotions and notice if someone may reaching out without reaching out.
Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day and never take it for granted.
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