Watchtower has struggled this month with the new Q month but Brett Havertine did the AO’s at Watchtower a solid by stepping up and giving away his Cherry to us on his VQ. and boy did he deliver. Any delay on this backblast falls squarely on the site AO. Ricky Bobby. Not trying to make excuses but I had a tooth extracted today and did not have the presence of mind to help Inspector Gadget put it together.
After a short mosey to around the main parking lot:
15 SSH
15 Imperial Walkers
10 Merkins
Calf Stretch
Runners pose – right foot, right hand, left foot left hand
BB Court:
Suicide (short lap) with burpee between each leg (increase by 1 each time)
REPEAT until 7 count
Partner Up:
100 merkins, 150 squats, 200 american hammers
One runs to corner, other exercises
Track with Corner Stations:
2: 20 Tricep side dips
4: 20 Burpees (Might have been a bit of complaining here)
around school to bus lot
Partner Up again:
Plank, while partner runs to first line (“3”) and back, switch
15 dry docks, run to second line (“6) and back, switch
Superman, line “9”, switch
20 big boys, line “13”, switch
Around to front starting lot
3 laps around lot
1 squat and 2 merkins after 1st
2 squats and 4 merkins after 2nd
4 squats and 8 merkins after 3rd
Back to COT, 15 Bobby Hurleys real quick and some even got in some Merkins
This turned out to be a great first Q for Inspector Gadget. I would highly recommend him to Q any site. His energy and enthusiasm certainly showed through and I am sure he will not clobber everyone with Burpees in the future.
24 total with 4 mashers
announcements: WTF this Saturday, black hawk only other site Saturday morning. Convergence of the two. Come hang out after if not running.
Bring 2.0s to Tuesday evening clyent dinner
instead of 6-man we had story time and it was Chicken little telling us how Chicken had a fall
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