We Lost A Lot of Good Men Out There….

We Lost A Lot of Good Men Out There….

And for my 38th Q, I will pull a rabbit out of my…nah. We are going to destroy some Strava segments together after being personally annoyed as to how the timer starts and stops. Most will read that last sentence and have zero clue what I’m talking about. That’s ok too, you will earn the morning!

What would I do? So many hills but how many can we hit in 45 minutes? How many can we jail break? First weinke was destroyed after mapping out my run and it was 4.2mi. That ain’t happening in 45 minutes so I removed a 1.25mi section which would have upset a lot of pax this AM.

More guys than I was expecting this morning. A lot of the usual suspects, some familiar faces and two guys running from their recent FNG tags.

DiCCS given. Goooooo…..


Mosey towards the safe place to cross on the other side of the gas station, over towards Dreamchasers, across the bridge and to that random dimly lit parking lot we go. Circle up:

• 20 x SSH

• 10 x Imperial Squaker

• Jimmy Dugan

• Calf Stretch

Let’s mosey passed the snow cones and make a right to head towards the library and over to the basketball court. Find yourself some room and it’s time for some Compass! Well that was awful.

Mosey back towards library. Prep everyone for the full jail break up Bad Idea which is about 320 meters-ish. Kid Rock owns the record at 47 seconds and today more than one person will conquer this damn thing. So help me…and everyone hates me. I ripped off my headlamp because it would help my breathing probably and also because I didn’t want to look like a dufus while the paramedics revived my limp, lifeless body. Holy sheet that was terrible but everyone gave it what they had.

Mosey over to graveyard for 4 corners. 20 x monkey humpers, 10 x Merkins, 20 x Gas Pumps and 10 x Carolina Dry Docks. 2 rounds.

Mosey to the other side of the graveyard. Teams of 2. Partner 1 Burpees. Partner 2 Hot Lap. 2 laps each. Rinse and repeat but switch to Speedskaters. Did some of us not count right? No idea. I was mentally prepping for what was to come next.

Now it’s time to run back down Bad Idea in an attempt to beat the record which Kid Rock also owns at 45 seconds. LET’S GO!!! And we are all dead again….

Mosey to cupcake parking lot. Time check. Ab work in the shopping center to relax the legs a bit? We need all our strength to get up the hill to beat Deadwood’s 57 second record. We will never know because we didn’t make it.

Is it closing time yet? Yes, thank you lord.


19 total posted this morning for a shot at the title at my home base, The Floater. Thank you to everyone that joined me because I love coming up with ideas to inflict a wine drunk version of pain on myself and everyone with me. I think we did it you guys!

As for the Strava titles, son of a B! Some how I started my watch on “treadmill” which means it doesn’t track GPS. Total and inexcusable BS. I was mad for like 45 seconds, I moved on to annoyed and now I’m just upset. Lots of steps during such a rough loss and the grieving process. I left it all out there with nothing to show. Such bummer.

So where did we go and where did we hit? Here are the facts:

• Bad Idea uphill towards the Cemetery (about 320 meters, just short of a 1/4mi)

• Record: Kid Rock @ 47 seconds

• NEW RECORD: Chastain @ 45 seconds!!

• Bad Idea downhill towards the School (about 320 meters, just short of a 1/4mi)

• Record: Kid Rock @ 45 seconds

• It was not broken today but Hollywood crossed @ 52 seconds!!

Semi congrats and no I don’t care if you came in 2nd, including myself. If you ain’t first, you’re last. That’s the motto. I think Carb Load would have broken the downhill but that’s only because I watched it first hand while drafting him. Great push by everyone, that wasn’t easy. Even funnier when DW told us at the end of COT he thought he won all the titles on the segments. He said, “I passed so many guys!” but if you start from the back that’s what happens big boy. Enjoy 3rd and 4th place today you loser (but only because Carb Load and I have dumb watches).

We might need to edit a name I gave to one of our newest PAX, Floppy Disk, at the New Years Eve workout. Dude is killing it and keeps showing up and he reminds me of a young Carb Load, someone who keeps showing up. Just keep posting man and you will be called Hard Disk in no time….that doesn’t sound right.

Also Sambuca! Day #2 for this FNG who started yesterday and he brought out all dry heaving this morning. I didn’t hear it but DW mentioned he might barf from hearing him barf. I wish that would have happened….

Great to see Swimmers! That dude Site Qs like 6-7 sites in-between managing male urethras and its always good to see you.

Lastly, Trojan and Blades of Glory. We miss you guys. Great seeing you both today and keep on, keeping on. See you both tomorrow and Saturday. Pressure is on!


Saturday, 8am – Christ Closet’s Organizing and Folding party!

Nails has his VQ tonight at Clyent Dinner at 5:30pm!

Transporter has Swarm at 5:15am tomorrow!

Wedding Singer has Impromptu at 5:30am tomorrow (and he better freaking finish these damn BBs)!

Damascus has Diesel at 5:30am tomorrow

Operation toothbrush and toothpaste for the kids in Waxhaw closes this week! The 3rd F team has gathered a bunch and more is still coming in!

About the author

Zinfandel author

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