23 total for a waffley good time in the 26 degree gloom. I’ve had to bag on the past Q’s I’ve been scheduled for due to travel -so a big shout out to the Site Q’s for pulling in subsiq’s at the last moment. As always the goals of Impromptu are simple: 1) Rain or Shine we roll 2) We’re always at Cuthbertson – no last minute changes 3) We aim for +1 more Pax to show over Diesel’s numbers and 4) We strive to go further than .24 miles. So today we hit our goals!!!
DCCS and then a quick mosey… had to wait for the #7 train from PDS/Crooklyn which was running a bit late – out jumped a mix between the Beastie Boys and Curtis Sliwa/ NYC Guardian Angels
Warm up – with 26 degree temps it took the Q a bit to warm up to “exercise is xxx begin ….halt…..recover”
SSH, Merkins, LLS, Mtn Climber, Plank Jack, BH’s and introduced the Burpee 180 or Burpee with a Twist
The Thang – Sequenced exercises in pairs with 10, 15, and 20 reps
Mosey to alcove #1 – Donkey Kicks and Big Boy Sit Ups. Goes like this: Do 10 DK’s then 10 BBSU.. 15 DK’s and 15BBSU…and finish with 20 DK’s and 20 BBSU’s. This would be the pattern for every stop we made around the lovely Cutherbertson Campus (#1 site in Union County)
Mosey to middle school cafe Benches: Step ups and SSH’s – again 10, 15, 20
Basketball slide to Transporters/Rudy’s Shed: Bobby Hurleys/Speed Skaters (2 is 1) 10/15/20
Mosey to circle by HS (on the way had a chat with Zin about the garbage truck that passed us – it’s called the Garbage Connection. Seems like an interesting concept: Would they try to pair Zin’s old pirate costume with Boytano’s old skates (Pirates of the Caribbean on ice? Maybe DoughBoy’s stink ass gloves with Rudy’s shorts that didn’t make it (hillbilly air freshener?)
Mosey to HS Cafe Benches: Dips and Derkins -10/15/20 with a wrinkle – bear crawl around the triangle island between sets.
Mosey to HS Alcove – Mike Tyson’s and LBS: 10/15/20 – this was a gotcha
Mosey to Front of MS: Burpe with a Twist (Burpee 180’s and plank jack) 10/15 time permitting.
Announcements: Christ Closet Folding Party – See Dana. Bushwood converge at WatchTower. 2nd F lunch today noon- Viva ChickenWaverly.
Brother Mad Dog shared his health status: bottom line – healthy living has improved or almost reversed his heart condition (eating, working out- ditch the daily double martini/bourbon) is the best medicine (laughter is also pretty good medicine #Waffler’s@Diesel).
Akbar is the new Don of Impromptu. Don’t piss him off – one of the saltier Site Q’s you’ll ever run into.
Be safe- be good- see you in the gloom
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