Not the norm

Not the norm

Typically when I Q I try and get the most mileage possible, I like to run. Starting back into F3 I absolutely hated to run, I despised it, but now that all I want to do. I really want pax that are not comfortable running to get out of their comfort zone and try new workouts that include more running. Post at a workout with a Q that you know will run quite a bit, they will pick you up if you fall behind. Today I wanted to focus on other things besides running. I did a 5 mile prerun so I was good to go.

Warm up:

Jog to traffic circle near baseball field. Run a few laps around the circle. Again, my goal was to stay together. Circle up!

10 low SLOW squats IC

15 merkins IC

Calf stretch

10 mountain climbers IC

10 plank jacks IC

Hold plank

5 Diamond merkin IC

The Thang:

Mosey to school- circle for the six

Line up on bus parking line

Parter up

P1 start bear crawl across parking lot

P2 runs across parking lot and back to P1

P1 picks up where P2 left off. Continue across entire parking lot

Pax stay on line

P1 starts Inch worm across lot. P2 runs across lot and back to P1..flapjack until the end.

Jog over to side walk get on your six…

Captain Therkin w/ 4 merkins… vups and shoulders off the ground d SUCK!!

Mosey to playground (like 20’) same partners

11’s – 1 burpee / 10 pull-ups 2/9 3/8 no fun

mosey back to trafficircle – circle up

Lt Dan- Mad Dog was very excited about this one.

1 squat 4 back lunges. I switched up the lunges a few times to monkey humpers and speed skaters.
we stopped at 10/40

circle of pain:

Pax called out exercise and ran two laps around circle. Of course Mad Dog called out burpees, thanks MD!!

mosey back to COT

Great workout by all! There was virtually no six, they kept up well and that was my intent. A lot of pushed hard on the pull-up ladder and finishes before myself and chainsaw…that was a little suspect. We hit about 1.9 miles which is a record low for me but it was still a solid workout…I mean hell peopled clapped in COT and that never happens when I Q!!!

Well done guys and thanks for sticking with me! Sorry Gerber, I’ll make up the miles next time I Q!!


Christ closet Nov 9. See Dana or shop dawg

Vagabond Nov 9

Prayers for Centerfolds friends family. Dad fell asleep at the wheel, died and left 3 kids and wife behind.

About the author

Deadwood author

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