Tag Archive Hair Band

15 seconds with rusty balls goes way too quick

ByeHarmony May 18, 2018

You're probably reading this by accident. You must have been lost or bored on the internet. You were scrolling the site and title grabbed your in

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The Process

ByHigh Tide May 17, 2018

13 pax posted in the humidity (including 3 of questionable cognitive ability based on their choice to pre-run), eager to pack 60 minutes of #wein

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Running with Rocks

ByGypsy May 16, 2018

***Post on behalf for Christmas*** The Warmup Warmup lap up Chestnut Parkway over to Indian Trail Town Hall Sidestraddle Hop X 20 M

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Union County Boys Can’t Jump (Rope)

ByFoundation Apr 13, 2018

7 Pax from East & West Union County came together at Conviction for a little work around the campus. Warmup: Mosey to side parking lo

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Hairband High Maintenance Modification

Bysmokey Apr 5, 2018

I have never had the pleasure of Qing the new, Sparta AO!  I have also never received so many texts leading up to a leadership experience for an

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No Madison No Problem

ByGlass Joe Apr 3, 2018

Madison was on Q but was out of town or just fartsacking. Not sure which but either way, he's as useful as a Bullwinkle HC. Been a while since

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I guess leg lifts aren’t manly?

ByThurston Mar 28, 2018

On a beautiful spring morning, 11 pax gathered to celebrate Duke’s ouster from the NCAA tournament (or maybe that was just me). The festivi

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Overdrive and the deck of dread.

ByeHarmony Feb 23, 2018

Everybody has had a rough start to a day at some point. I had one last night. I woke up at 0145 but in my not quite conscious state panicked and

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A Happy Birthday/F3 Anniversary AO called Thrive

Byshakenbake Feb 22, 2018

Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me, I decided to Q at Thrive I feel like a dum.....my. It's my birthday and I have a great idea, I Q t

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Outland challenge – 20 terrible minutes

ByeHarmony Feb 17, 2018

9 men including 1 FNG beat the first challenge, the evil fartsack. No cars in the parking lot when YHC rolled in the parking lot at 6:45 to st

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