The Rock

Yeah, but I mean the very end, when he actually died. That was extremely sudden.

ByGummy Oct 31, 2015

9 men showed up for a physical examination at The Rock. Here's their story. Warmup (SSH, IW, Mountain Climbers) over near the soccer fields. Mos

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So Sore….

ByHammer Oct 25, 2015

The thang... 7 am 7 pax and 1 FNG showed up for with tickets on the pain train.... We started with a warm up jog to back parking lot, did some

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Hosting a field trip at The Rock

ByHops Oct 18, 2015

VSF planted. 13 Saturday fartsack forsakers including 1 FNG set out for an assault on The Rock. The Thang: Jog to far lot nearest 51 for COP I

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What does that mean, in-famous?

ByGummy Oct 10, 2015

9 of El Guapo's finest men gathered for a plethora of exercises at The Rock. Wait, is that Cottonmouth? It is! Nice collection of regulars, new g

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The Rock will NEVER close!!

ByHopper Sep 26, 2015

9 pax including 1 FNG (Victor S: Murtaugh.....originally from Gloverburg, NY....Danny Glover starred as Murtaugh in Lethal Weapon....Victor is no

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Welcome Back Billy Goats

ByHammer Sep 19, 2015

So, what had happened was..... I'm not a professional so we got started right warm up Run to, I'm sorry, Mosey to baseball field, par

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You Are Looking Live…

ByIckey Shuffle Sep 7, 2015

Each winter the glorious but all too brief period of time we know as football season concludes.  Some teams celebrate a championship, with month

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We Ran How Far?

ByPoptart Aug 29, 2015

We started off with a mosey down to the parking lot in front of Calvary off of 51. COP: 20 SSH 20 IW 15 Merkins 20 Low Slow Squats The Thang: L

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ByTiger-Rag Aug 23, 2015

When Stone Cold asks you to co-Q what he really means is, "I don't want to write a backblast on a Saturday."  And so he isn't. And I am.  The n

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The Worlds Longest Burpee

ByFlipper Aug 15, 2015

8 solid men answered the call at the godfather of A51, all despite YHC's warning of the downpainment which was to follow.  With supervision from

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