Yeah, but I mean the very end, when he actually died. That was extremely sudden.

  • When:10/31/2015
  • QIC: Gummy
  • The PAX: Deep Dish, Flipper, Dead Lift, McGee, Boerewors, Fragile, Cable Guy, Stone Cold, Gummy (QIC)

Yeah, but I mean the very end, when he actually died. That was extremely sudden.

9 men showed up for a physical examination at The Rock. Here’s their story.

Warmup (SSH, IW, Mountain Climbers) over near the soccer fields. Mosey over to the parking lot with the islands. Continue warmup with forward and backward jog, carioca, etc.

Line up abreast for the beast (lowercase, due to modifications). At each of the 6 medians, do 6 of the called exercise, then run back to the start. Merkins, Squat Jumps, LBCs, CDDs, Sister Mary Catherines, Freddie Mercury).

Begin jog to Day Zero. Varying paces and stops along the way for some Mary. Nobody home at DZ, so we went through to the Yellow Rose (RIP) parking lot. Partner up for the lap around the block. Hand slap merkins at the end. A few of us saw another group of weak looking men during the lap – we invited them to join F3 next weekend.

Head back home, stopping for pullups (as many as you care to do), finishing with a solid Indian Run back to the entrance to the parking lot. AYG to the picnic tables.

10 left leg raises (squats?), 10 incline merkins, 10 right leg. Repeat with derkins and dips.

Mosey over to the parking lot for Mary with intermittent sprints.

The mark of a great weinke is one so well planned that it seems fluid, flexible, open to inspiration from the land and the PAX. That bear crawl up the hill with no way to safely get back down? Planned. The meandering path through the parking lot to where we did the Mary sprints? On the weinke.

Nice work from the guys this morning. Good to have McGee join us after his recent move to the Southland. Dude was fast. Everybody kept up today though – no real six to speak of. Solid work. Lots of good pop culture reference sprinkled throughout too. Bonus. Fragile was dress in several layers of long sleeves and pants, a hat, gloves. I can’t wait to see what he wears in January.

Turkey Bowl is on Thanksgiving morning. On a football field somewhere nearby.
Flipper is running a race somewhere and invited others to join him. I stopped listening after he said 13 miles. Not right now, thanks.


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