Coin Flip Q presented by Bushwood

Coin Flip Q presented by Bushwood

Bushwood has been a Site Q vacation for a little while, so we are back at it finally but playing catch up on the Q’n realm. One Star and YHC flipped a coin and he lost..


Mashers headed to the appropriate positions while the rest of the PAX Mosey –> SSH/ImpW/hammy stretch/wide leg merkin/calf stretch/Up/Down dog/Runner stretch


Headed to half wall for some Step-ups/Dips/Derkin 2x each. Cross over Marvin School road to the newly maintaned back nine cul-de-sac. Pair up, ab work while other HIM ran. Big Bois, Freddy Mercury’s, LBC. SInce the grounds were so nice, we decided to stay in the Cul-De-Sac for a little Duck-Duck-Goose!

Circle up, each pax called an exercise for the group to do while the caller ran two laps around the group. VArious exersizes were called… Of course, J-Wow has to be J-Wow and call Diamond Merkins on his turn…. Knowing fair well he didn’t have to do them as he took his sweet a$$ time running the circle with a grin! We Jersey folk call that a dirt-bag move!!! Ha!

finish up heading back to the front nine for some wall work. with same partner, one bear crawls to the other side of lot and runs back while the other does some wall work-Jabs/Air Presses/Tysons/Donkeys. Still a little time left, so One Star pulled a rather cool audible of a Show and Tell. All sit at the wall, and each person tells a quick story of how they got their F3 name. When each finished all had to do 5 Donkey Kicks.

Head back to COT for  the Fiji Fast feet.


trying to get things back in order on the Bushwood site as its been a long summer with a lot of vacations. but think we are back at it.

The Show and tell Audible was really cool. Was based off the 6th man from this past year that has been fizzled out, but was a great way to know how each PAX was named. Kudos on that call.

See image on Groupme as YHC had a nice F# Sweat stain


Need Q’s for Bushwood/Body Shop/Last CAll

Turnbuckle needs some trucks for furniture moving with Christ Closet


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Tonyatine author

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