I’m Only Writing This So I Don’t Get Fined

I’m Only Writing This So I Don’t Get Fined

Just like Marshawn Lynch, we all have to do things ‘just because’.  My burden happens to be the Chiseled back blast.  Imagine how insane it is to ask someone who has been absent forever (injury, laziness, cold, <insert other excuse here>) to Q, and then insist on a back blast to boot?  Well, that’s exactly what @Exlax decided would be prudent to do.  So, in order to not get fined, here it goes.


Before the fun, welcome to our FNG Khaki (State Farm Agent).

After hearing that @Rudy made himself puke with some tire carries, I knew that was going to be the central piece of this morning.  Other than that, what seemed like an organized wenkie turned out to be not so much.  The goal was simple – partner up and carry one of the large tires around Mt Chiseled.  Everyone else would alternate exercises with a coupon

  • Squats
  • Clean & Press
  • Rows
  • Curls
  • Tri Extensions
  • Overhead Press


My 1st error was thinking 2 people could carry the tires

  • audible #1 – make it teams of 4.

My  2nd was that we could get around Mt. Chiseled quickly

  • audible #2 – send 2 spaced out teams around Mt Chiseled and alternate each time a team returns


After listening to non-stop complaining about the above plan, we called an end to that and took a mosey to the 5 Stones entrance for some Mary.  From there, it was a jail break back to the coupons where we did a round robin of the above exercises.  Time was almost up, so it was a rifle carry of the coupons back to their resting spot, where everyone thought the fun had ended.  However, I was not about to bring the tires back alone, and with 4 minutes left, decided it was best to have teams carry them back, relieving one another after a short suicide to the gravel and back until the tires were safely stowed.


That’s about it.  Not sure how it was perceived by others, but for someone who has been in and out lately, it was enough…

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Damascus author

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