60-Minute Man at a Pickle Party

60-Minute Man at a Pickle Party


Billy Ward and his Dominoes sang about being a “60 Minute Man” — in nearly 5 years of 3 and dozens of Qs, YHC had never taken the lead on an hour-long boot camp and the question was out there, “Could he keep it going for 60 minutes?”  But that was soon overshadowed by, as Zin dubbed it, a “Pickle Party” between the bros.  Here’s how it went down…


Mosey to some lot near the elementary school…

  • Motivator!
  • Calf stretching… so good there were groans of delight



Split the group in two, with half the group running to the second light on the left right for 2 burpees and the other half doing box jumps or jump ups on the loading dock until the entire other group returned.

Repeato twice more

Keep the group split in two (unless you’re a Pickle Bro and then you switch groups to join your other Pickle Bro) and one group does supine pull-ups while the other runs to the far mobile unit and does 3 merkins.

Repeato twice more

Mosey to the elementary school parking lot and grab a running rock.  Hey, Pickle Bro, running rock.  Time for…

Bear Crawl Bocce Ball!

  • Bear crawl the length of the parking lot (60 yards?) while rolling or tossing the rock forward

Once there, plank, then run through the drop-off line with your rock and run back to return the rocks.

Mosey to the branch of the drop-off line to start a Quarter Pounder:

  • Run to first marker for 25 merkins OYO / Run backwards to start
  • Run to second marker for 50 American Hammers / Run backwards to start
  • Run to third marker for 75 calf raises / Run backwards to start
  • Run to final marker for 100 plank jacks / Run backwards to start

Grab a lifting rock for…

  • 15x curls / 15x overhead press / 15x bent-over rows
  • 10x / 10x / 10x
  • 5x / 5x / 5x

Crab Cakes x 25 IC

Head middle school drop-off with 30 Dive Bomber Merkins along the way

20x Big Boy Sit-ups + Knockout

1-minute Hollow Body Hold

Mosey back to COT

Quick Feet with a few merkins mixed in

Big Finish with a hot lap around around the parking lot



YHC wasn’t sure what to expect for turnout today and was excited to see the number growing until hearing…

  • “Yeah, I spent too long on the porcelain throne and couldn’t make it to Clean Slate on time”
  • “I didn’t feel like going to the gym today”  (So YHC is the easy option?)
  • “Oh, I thought so-and-so was on Q?”

It’s Prom season and YHC is the one your mom made you ask because she’s friends with their mom and felt sorry for them.  That’s fine — YHC can go 60 minutes and orders the lobster!

After a failed attempt earlier this week at Bushwood, YHC successfully executed the Motivator and it left the PAX wanting more — inaudible pleas for more Motivator that will have to be used next time.  Recalculating was a huge fan and even stopped from about counts 7-4 to admire the grace of the exercise.

Shortly after the warm-up is when Zinfandel called out the Pickle Party between Dasher and Gerber, competing to get the most mileage for the day.  They both pre-ran together and then took advantage of any rest counts or break time to get a little extra distance.  Dasher and Catnip put in big work on the loading dock, going for the high box jumps and fortunately, no faces hit the concrete.  A few PAX channeled their inner Moneyball and avoided the 20 feet of wet grass to the bars for supines, stopping for squats.  Don’t worry, the lower body will be worked.  Honeycomb didn’t cut it short — he went for the full loop around the mobile units, as called.

Bear Crawl Bocce Ball was a huge hit… once it was over.  Guys soon realized that because of the amazing quality of the Weddington parking lots, the most efficient way to move the rock was to heave it and Blue Screen came close to taking making it a bowling event and knocking out some PAX.  Banjo and Swift are silent troopers, and Pickle Bro Gerber made it a hairburner.  To one-up him, Pickle Bro Dasher asked when we were actually going to run with the rock.  YHC takes questions as suggestions, so we added a lap with the rocks.

The Quarter Pounder also proved to be a fun one and while we couldn’t hit an actual football field, as prescribed in the Exicon, the distances worked out well.  Some questioned 2-is-1 on the American Hammers, but Dasher was supportive.  Calf Day kicked in at this point as 75 calf raises followed by 100 plank jacks, along with plenty of backwards running — on top of the Motivator — does a number on the legs.  Chastain showed off the soccer skills with the defensive running and hopefully has the Brandi Chastain abs as well.  At this point, we also learned that Gerber was running a little farther than the marker for his exercises.

Dive Bombers, then ab work.  With about 5 minutes left, Catnip pulled out early (eeeewwww?) and missed the big finish.

When it was all done, YHC kept it going for 60 minutes and left the group tired and fulfilled and Gerber had the bigger Pickle day by 0.1 miles.

And if you’re not familiar with the song…



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Das Boot author

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