When you have multiple Q’s, you have no Q’s…or something like that

When you have multiple Q’s, you have no Q’s…or something like that

After fartsacking on Thursday, YHC needed to post.  After checking the website to find no Q listed; YHC inquired of Mermaid as to who was Q’ing.  He informed that he was DR and that Margo was finding a Q…not so much.  Here’s what Margo put out on the Twitterverse: “#F3Centurion will have a PAX led Q tomorrow. Come with ideas for your favorite things.”  Don’t think so.  YHC & Udder stepped up at that point…and actually Udder Q’d about 2/3 of the downpainment.

Giving site Q Margo some grief, but all in good fun…methinks he is the longest-tenured site Q in all of Area51, perhaps in the history of Area51….though Haze may have had a similar tenure at Fast Twitch.

BTW, Margo forgot the shovel flag, too; but in fairness it was buried below about 272 pounds of Christmas light boxes and other Griswoldian paraphernalia.

Anyhoo, below is some Thang and Moleskinny:

After a wandering, mediocre disclaimer from Udder that would have left Mermaid shaking his head, off the 10 pax went to Carmel Commons (or whatever the shopping center is called) for COP & a rough 11’s call from Udder: Jumping Lunges & Burpees – with running the stairwells and length of the retail complex in between.  It hurt.  Haze was yelling back to Udder that it should have been 7’s rather than 11’s.

The early finishing pax did some Mary while waiting on the six.  Lorax, Haze, Brilleaux & Snuka were out front and almost lapped YHC….narrowly avoided that.  Any knucklehead that says, “It’s you vs. you” – is wrong.  We all know that.  Stop with the silly sayings.  Another saying that’s weak: “I am third”.  Stop counting what place you are in line.  Just serve.  True humility is giving little to no consideration to yourself.  C.S. Lewis put it this way:

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”

Ok, off the soapbox now.  YHC took the Q reins at this point — and we headed back towards CCHS, stopping at the rock quarry and doing some sets of thrusters and other stuff x13, of course.  These were OYO.  OYO.

Clover cleverly asked for a demonstration to stall…but even the relative rookie Point Break knew what he was doing.  It did take Lorax and someone else about 3 minutes to find a rock…and he exchanged at least once.  Boxing Day was yesterday, brother.  Grab a dang rock, and let’s get to work!

Snuka was throwing his rock around like it was a Christmas ornament.  After last week’s forced tutorial from Champagne at Anvil, the fast-running Respect is a lifting machine.

The not-so-loquacious Thunder Road & Brilleaux (the x is more silent than him, or is it?) were getting after it as they always do.

After the rock work, we ran over to the front of CCHS for some double-squat jump up’s & dips; then back to the launch lot for some Mary including Makthar N’Djayie’s…of course.  13 of them, to be exact.

That’s it for the workout, or at least what YHC can recall.

Some other sundry, yet noteworthy, observations:

Margo’s beard is still legit.  Clover still loves ND and Duke though, thankfully, made no mention of either this morning.  Purple Haze posted at a bootcamp workout.  We did not visit Tartarus.  Chelms was not there.

That’s it and that’s all, sports fans.  Tierra del Fuego.  Muchos obligatos.  Feliz Navidad.  Joyeux Noel (that’s for everyone’s favorite French Iowan, aka Brilleaux).

Passez un bon weekend!

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