

*Q Preface:

F3 means so many things to so many Pax on a day-to-day basis. Some come for great workouts and that brings them back.  Some enjoy the fellowship/banter and that keeps them coming back.  Others want to be around men of faith and that keeps them coming back. 

Whatever your “thing” is that keeps you coming back, there was also some”thing”/someone that brought you out in the first place.  Maybe it was a horrible fitness level, peer-pressure/Emotional Headlock, a friendship, guilt, desperation, or just curiosity when you saw all these F3 Bumper Stickers around town.  Today was a reminder for YHC and other Pax in attendance that we need to be more open and intentional about reaching out to men to join F3 for one main reason: We are ALL just Sad Clowns looking for support/encouragement to be the men, leaders, warriors God created us to be!  Here we go…


4 men showed up early for a Homecoming pre-run around the Weddington MS campus, including our brother from Indian Land (Happy Meal) and his FNG (Brent), Bottle Cap, and YHC.  Happy Meal let us know ahead of time he was coming so it was great to chat with Brent during the run.  Little did we know, our brother Haggis from Ft. Mill/SOB would show up with an FNG as well.  All-in, we would be (11) Pax today.

With this Q’s standard 80’s Rock Playlist, Bluetooth speaker, some Coupons and a Whiteboard planted, it was time to execute on the Plan. YHC’s Plan, but clearly not God’s Plan!  

Mosey around the front of the Middle School for various exercises, with running between each exercise consisting of SSH, IW, Low Slow Squat, Mountain Climbers.  Stop in front of the Elementary School for a few quick stretches (for this old man!) consisting of Standing Quad and Glute Stretches, Bend at the Waist and Hang to stretch the Back and Hamstrings, quick Upward Dog & Downward Dog plus calf stretch. All this knowing what was coming during the next 50+ minutes.

The Thang:

At each of the (5) light poles down the school driveway, complete (10) Walking Lunges then circle back for the Six.  Once complete, run to the back entrance/driveway and complete (5) Jump Squats per light until you get to the back parking lot.  Once arrived, the “Whiteboard of Pain” was waiting for the Pax.  A quick explanation by YHC of how this would go down.

There were (10) separate exercises listed on the Whiteboard with (10) reps/exercise.  After completing each set, run a full lap around the outside of the lot then start back at exercise #1, but add one additional exercise every lap (1, 1+2, 1+2+3, 1+2+3+4…you get the picture).  The list of exercises were as follows, in an order that allowed Pax to get some Strength + Core, followed by Speed:

  1. Derkins
  2. LBC’s
  3. Step-ups
  4. Flutter (2=1)
  5. Dips
  6. Heels-to-Heaven
  7. Jump Tucks
  8. Big Boy Sit-ups
  9. Peter Parkers (2=1)
  10. BURPEES!!!

All-in, the Pax completed (100) Derkins + (90) LBC’s + (80) Step-ups + (70) Flutters + (60) Dips + (50) H2H + (40) Jump Tucks + (30) BB Sit-ups + (20) Peter Parkers + (10) Burpees.  Pax who completed early got a prize and some Extra Credit of finding a Pax who had not yet completed and got to stick with them. This took up the majority of our time today. Done.

Mosey to the gravel lot and hill next to the school where some beautiful Cinder Blocks were waiting for the Pax.  Partner up, grab a cinder for:

  • P1 (200) (100) Bicep Curls / P2 Run up hill, (1) Burpee, back
  • P1 (100) Overhead Press / P2 Run up hill, (1) Burpee, back
  • P1 (100) Tricep Extension / P2 Run up hill, (1) Burpee, back

Done. Some Pax mentioned that these must be “Lowe’s Cinder Blocks” since they felt heavier than normal. That’s how we roll in The Haw!

Mosey to the parking lot for the final 4 minutes and the “Cube of Pain” (the cool little cube with different exercises and counts). Roll the cube to see where it lands.  We completed:

  • (15) Jump Lunges
  • (20) Mountain Climbers
  • (20) Jump Squats
  • (20) BURPEES!
  • Time!


This was YHC’s first Q at the new Homecoming, which only happened since our brother, Frack, couldn’t take the Q as he is up in NY celebrating the life of his Grandfather (a Korean War veteran!). Please keep Frack and his family in your prayers.

Great work by all 11 of us who attended while many of our brothers were doing CSAUP’s, Trail Races, and Commitment.  I hope you all felt it was challenging. We kept moving and did plenty of Core + Strength + Speed work, which makes for an ideal F3 Workout.

Like was mentioned earlier, the “Plan” was to lead a solid workout today, expecting only one FNG along with Happy Meal.  God’s Plan was MUCH bigger than this, as brother Haggis showed up with another FNG named Clive (both from Scotland!).  Little did we know, Clive is going through a lot of challenges right now in his life as he revealed in the FNG-naming portion of COT.

Like many of us before and now, he is experiencing challenges in his marriage and in his work.  He had to shut down his construction business recently, and this has put a burden on him, his family, his self-worth, finances, etc. A position none of us ever plan to be in, but one that requires support from others to get through.

The Enemy uses these things to crush our spirit and self-worth as a leader, provider, and as a man! We thank the Lord that Clive showed up today, had the courage to share his struggles with us, and allowed us to minister to him and support him at this time of need. None of this would have happened, though, had Haggis not reached out to Clive, EH’d him, and made a commitment to help him through this.

Clive got the name “Rebuild”, as Transporter immediately called it. Perfect! Rebuild represents the transformation Clive and we all need to go through (by our own doing or forced into it) at many times in our lives. We All Rebuild! We Rebuild our Finances.  We Rebuild our Marriages.  We Rebuild our Families.  We Rebuild our Homes.  We Rebuild our Careers.  We Rebuild our Personal Brand.  We Rebuild our Faith.  We Rebuild our Health/Fitness.  We Rebuild our Purpose!

Our new F3 brother, Rebuild, will come out on the other side of this stronger, wiser, better, and with an awesome opportunity to “Make his Misery his Ministry” to other men who will go through similar challenges.  We all have our “stuff”, but it’s what we do with our stuff that makes an impact on lives.

God clearly set this up today in order to do His work through Haggis when he invited Rebuild to Homecoming (an AO he doesn’t live near, with Pax he doesn’t really know).  If any Pax still questions the impact F3 has on the lives of us Sad Clowns, or those we haven’t invited yet, I encourage you to think about our brother Haggis and his FNG/Friend, Rebuild.  F3 Waxhaw had (4) FNG’s workout with us today…keep inviting!

To God Be The Glory!  Iron Sharpens Iron!





  • 3rd F opportunity at Open Door every Sunday at Five Stones Church.  7am.  Be there!
  • Church on the Street being run by the Waxhaw crew (ask Bottle Cap for more details)
  • Site Q School on 2/1/20 (if you’re a Site Q and haven’t attended one yet, you need to attend!)
  • Q School on 2/8/20 (if you’ve Q’d <3 times or more than 3 times, you need to attend and learn from your peers!)

YHC took us out with the Ball of Man around Rebuild. Powerful moment for all as we pray for our brother in this tough time.

I will end this BB with my Family’s Life Verse, which was given to me by a buddy on the day I was part of a major layoff on 10/25/12:

 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose”

Romans 8:28


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Goodfella author

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