Amazing Race 1st Edition

Amazing Race 1st Edition

Impromptu will forever be recognized as the best AMRAP Course workout on all of northeast Cuthbertson road; but could the Site Q’s deliver something fresh, new-age and dope?  Well yes – The Amazing Race concept. With so many different sites popping up in the Waxhaw region it’s a blessing and it’s a curse.  On the good side; plenty of workouts to choose from; and on the negative side (IMHO) – it fragments the larger group a bit and we don’t always see each other in the morning.  So how could we bring everyone together that would help bring back  the bonds with some brothers you’ve not worked out with or seen in a bit – enter the Amazing Race concept.  24 PAX for the inaugural running.

Warm up: SSH/Merkin/PlankJack/BH/Dugan

Quick Mosey Sprint to front of Middle School – it was supposed to be in order of finish count off 1-5.  Not all grasped this (needs improvement for next AR)

We crafted this first one on the fly.  It had some opening night miscues; but we’ll learn from this.

The concept was pretty simple;

  1. Try to get balanced teams
  2. Promote a bit of competition
  3. Get a good workout
  4. Do something different

Using the the Starfish approach: Home base &  5 stations with a task: (no prescribed order)

  1. Wheelbarrow to light pole and back
  2. 50 donkey kicks
  3. 50 Dips & 50 Step Ups
  4. Hair Burner across the lot
  5. Cinder Blocks – 50 Press and 50 Curl

10 hand slap merkins on return to homebase.

– if you made it to a station and another team was there: – you had to wait while doing SSH.

To balance or promote strategy, there was a “release a pax” concept.  It meant that all pax on a team made it to a station; you could send 1 person back to starfish (presumably your slowest) before everyone started the exercise.  But the penalty was that the remaining pax had to do the exercise +  10 Burpees each.  Not sure if any team took advantage?

If you hit all stations it was close to 3 miles.  I saw lots of sweaty PAX at the end, so I’m thinking a lot of folks pushed themselves.  I know that being teamed with a gazelle or two will push you –

So next time give it your all – “Because you’re just not letting you self down if you don’t – you’re letting a fellow Pax down”

So for a period of time we’ll be running An Amazing Race on the last Friday of each month.

Announcements: Commitment & HOMECOMING are on tap tomorrow.  Christ’s Closet on Jan 11th.  New workout on Fridays 5:15 at Cuthbertson; “The Swarm”

Hats off to Schnieder for bringing another 2.0 from his clan.  Brian 14 years old –  We welcomed him as “Fur Coat” – Jet’s fan and we can’t give a kid a crappy name. #Dana




One Star took us out.

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