Turkey Burn Turns into Load Emptying

Turkey Burn Turns into Load Emptying

I had the intention for my first Q and being after Thanksgiving to create a little Turkey Burn, which may have caused too much burn.

The Warm Up

Mosey to the bridge at Nesbit and back to the circle for a few exercises.
20 Merkins, Calf stretches, 20 Imperial Walkers and 10 Abe Vigoda’s.

The Thang

Mosey to the rock pile and pick a sizeable rock for low repetitions.
25 curls, run to the end of the parking lot and back
25 triceps over head, run to the end of the parking lot and back
25 squat overhead press, run to the end of the parking lot and back
25 standing chest press

Run the long way around the school to the far basketball court for our next set of exercises.
25 big boy sit ups, run to the jungle gym, 10 pullups, run back
25 lbc’s, run to the jungle gym, 10 pullups, run back
25 heels to heaven, run to the jungle gym, 10 pullups, run back
25 flutter kicks, run to the jungle gym, 10 pullups, run back
Two minute plank

Mosey to the main entrance of millbridge and wait for all pax
Mosey to parking lot on the right, this is where I heard a fellow pax was having a hard time holding in his bowels and it helped me alter the next set of exercises
25 Squats 🙂
25 Squat pulses
25 Burpo’s – Burpees without coming all the way up.
Repeat all three exercises, not that I was really looking forward for something to be pushed out, but thought it would be good on the legs.

Mosey to the pool area of millbridge for some more fun
I was asked by our pax who was fighting their bowel movement after the squats what was next and shared the next item, only to hear him say I will meet you back at the finish area. More to come on this…

The goal was 5 laps around the parking lot, running the straightaways, while doing a bear crawl at the corners.
I was really looking forward to this, but cut it back to 3 when I noticed most looking a bit tired. However, since we pulled back the last two laps, we finished nicely with 25 Mike Tysons to the joy of everyone.

The Moleskine
I enjoyed sharing some exercises with the pax and wanted to make sure I was able to challenge everyone. Turnbuckle did great pushing himself and it’s impressive how everyone rally’s around to make sure no one is excluded.

OK, the elephant in the room: Unfortunately Rudy tried his best to make it to hit the restroom, first trying at the millbridge gym only to have folks look at him and probably wanted to call the cops. The next stop was the port a john, only if it was 10 feet closer. We are sorry that Rudy was not able to make the COT and picture, but glad he is doing well.

Upcoming events:
Fusebox – Effies coming up on 12/7, looks to be a blast, BYOB
Shop Dawg – Tried to get something out of him, only would say a new F3 site coming.

About the author

J-Woww author

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