Substitute Teacher for today – Foundation

Substitute Teacher for today – Foundation

19 Pax welcomed a substitute teacher today at Watchtower and got to enjoy a single parking lot of exercises mixed with running and modifications call outs per Miss Trunchbull Recalculating.

Warm up:

  • Mosey lap around parking lot and back to start to collect – Wedding Singer & Posse and circle up
  • SSH
  • Jimmy Dugans
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Mt Climbers
  • Merkins


4 Corners:

  • Start with 5 burpees, run to corner 1 – 10 x squats, mosey back to start
  • 5 Burpees (start), 10 x Squats (corner 1), 15 merkins (corner 2), mosey back to start
  • 5 Burpees (start), 10 x Squats (corner 1), 15 merkins (corner 2), 20 monkey humpers (corner 3), mosey back to start
  • 5 Burpees (start), 10 x Squats (corner 1), 15 merkins (corner 2), 20 monkey humpers (corner 3), 25 x Dry Docks (corner 4), mosey back to start

While waiting for 6 create single line and burpee Indian run around perimeter back to starting area


  • Partner up – P1 runs 1 way, P2 runs other. When you meet 6 hand slap burpees, when you meet on other side 1 hand slap merkin. Repeat with 5 hand slap burpees/2 hand slap merkins….finish with 1 hand slap burpee/6 hand slap merkins

Jane Fonda Time

  • At completion of 7’s find spot in front of school and begin on your 6 for some mary
  • Rotate over to leg extensions, leg raises to side, and dog peeing on hydrants
  • Back to 6 and run through gamut of ab exercises


  • Some good early chatter to start this morning – sparked by Breadbowl insults hurled at Zin on Saturday
  • Big Tuna was strong and pushing up stream this morning in the 4 corner portion
  • Wedding Singer – Appreciate you making grand entrance and ensuring all most of the guest at Watchtower were on the dance floor before making debut
  • Posse – You look like that crazy guest who thinks he is part of the family already….. come on in and join the circle (few minutes late)
  • To the 3 best friends anyone can have – good work today and we finally got synced up on the last few rounds


  • Holiday Party Saturday Night Lawson Clubhouse
    • (Latitude 34.9653 / Longitude -80.7359)

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