Skunk Works

A Call to Action! – Let Them SOAR! 5K Pre-blast

ByMadison Sep 30, 2018

The opportunity to participate in a Speed For Need race is not something to take lightly. If you’ve ever been to a race that SFN is a part of,

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Blazing Saddles Brings the Heat

ByTulip Sep 29, 2018

COT 1 lap around field then partner up with like size bell. 3 rounds: Partner 1 farmer carries bells around track while partner 2 does said exer

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Hurricane Harley

ByTulip Sep 19, 2018

A large showing of South Charlotte’s finest gathered at Skunkworks. Here’s what we did. Warm up SSH IW Swings, swings and more sw

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Sanka Suicides

ByTulip Sep 11, 2018

The Thang: Run to the rock and back SSH x 15 IC Imperial Walker x 15 IC KB suicides: Called exercise – 10 reps Run to first

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The Takeover

ByChinMusic Sep 5, 2018

15 men posted for a very humid Skunkworks. After the usual disclaimer, the PAX were led through a typical COP before moseying down to the lot bet

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SubstiQ Especial

ByBananas Aug 21, 2018

15 regulars showed for a late called substitute Q beatdown.  I kept is unoriginal as usual but we did get a lot of work in.   Warmup:

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Typical August script

ByChinMusic Aug 15, 2018

Posted on behalf of Floaty... This morning we saw a good turnout at Skunkworks for the PAX. It was a hot and humid day, typical for August, bu

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Disproportionate men and KB’s

ByBulldog Jul 31, 2018

Great crew out at Skunkworks today for a death by suicides combo.   The Thang SSH x 10 IW x 10 Suicides at 5 cones adding 5

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No Floaty No Problem

ByYeti Jul 17, 2018

This is the instruction manual I should have provided for Header before the workout. Things got a little complicated for 5:30 in the morning for

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That Funky Feeling

ByChinMusic Jul 12, 2018

(Posted on behalf of Funky Cold) It was a beautiful fall feeling summer AM. Warmed up to a lap around the old gravel track, followed by sid

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