
Taking Requests at Anvil

ByMermaid Jul 11, 2018

Utah and YHC pulled into the launch lot and Haze was there.  He was a soft commit last night.  Something about a Q at Hydra to prepare for on T

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Anvil Tour, Summer 2018

BySnowflake Jun 27, 2018

11 Pax got a pleasant tour of the Anvil AO this morning, with a couple of stops for various fellowship. It went something like this: Short mos

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The Anvil Mile

ByMermaid Jun 20, 2018

17 men, including YHC, sweated through our greetings in the launch lot for a few minutes.  Even the disclaimer made YHC sweat.  It was given an

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Police Lookout

ByThunderRoad Jun 14, 2018

Twelve men met up for a good morning run all around Calvary Church.  Hammer thought he had the Q and was a bit perturbed as he had an excellent

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Lebron got the Triple Double, We got the Triple Triple Nickel

ByLorax Jun 7, 2018

YHC was a few minutes earlier than normal for the Q, but already a few cars in the parking lot.  They continued rolling in with Scabby walking u

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Keepin it Vanilla at Anvil

ByUnclePhil Jun 1, 2018

It was Wednesday, so we kept it simple just grinded for 45, no need for anything special. The Thang COP in place Mosey to Avenue of Trees

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Committing burpicide

ByUdder May 27, 2018

10 uninformed pax found themselves in a pickle when they arrived and YHC was the replacement Q. What would we do with 45 precious minutes of pain

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Rain…Please, Rain

ByMermaid May 16, 2018

Haze told Snowflake it felt like YHC was on Q every other week at Anvil.  Actually been just shy of 4 months since last Q 01/17/2018.  McGee as

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Where did you learn your Russian, JC Penney?

ByGummy May 9, 2018

13 men assembled in one of many giant parking lots at Calvary for Anvil. After confirming the language with Haze, I plagiarized Mermaid's disclai

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Less than 2 miles? What is this?!

ByHops Apr 25, 2018

Wherefore art thou Shovel Flag?  Under the somewhat approving eyes of our N'antan - YHC delivered an average disclaimer and 16 men launched into

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