Author Archive Strange Brew

Base Camp Rookie Day brought to you by Coal Miner’s Daughter

First off, great turnout today for Base Camp Rookie Day, a total of 21 Pax showed up despite the gloomy weather (although in YHC’s opinion you don’t get a better intro to F3 than that).  A well done workout by Coal Miner’s Daughter who has done a fantastic job as a real leader of Base Camp, well done brother.  We’ll miss you for the next little while.  There were 3 FNG’s and a couple of Kotters out there.

A real thanks to some of the leaders of Area 51 for coming out and bringing the F3 spirit (sorry TR, we don’t do 6 inches at Base Camp).  YHC has learned a lot from you guys, thanks for coming to show other newer folks the same.

21 Pax, including 3 FNG’s, several vets checking our Base Camp for first time and several familiar faces returning after being MIA, showed up for Rookie Day and the “Best of Base Camp”.

The thang:


SSH x 25

Imperial Walker x 25

CDD x 10

Squats x 15

Merkins x 10

Mosey to track for two lines x 400m Indian Run

1 lap of “3’s” from Final Four Base Camp – 3 merkins at six stations around the track

Jog/High Knees/Butt Kicks to bleachers at baseball field

20 dips – 20 incline merkins on rail

20 dips – 15 incline merkins on rail

Mosey to baseball outfield

Karaoke left 30 yards from foul line – 10 merkins

Backpedal 30 yards back to foul line – 20 squats

Karaoke right 30 yards from foul line – 30 LBC’s

Jog back to foul line

Mosey to base of steps

Bunny hop up steps – plank walk down rail back to base of steps


Mosey up steps to restroom wall

People’s chair x 40 sec


Dolly x 10

Flutter x 10

Rosalita x 10

LBC x 10


Moleskin: Fantastic effort by all, all PAX staying together during the Indian Run for example (well done Tumbler, Briquette, Big Bear and others on the effort there!).  Great first time effort by Harpo Frack and Crockett, I expect I’ll see some of you at other F3 workouts given how well you cranked it out today.


Next week we are converging with the Matrix at McKee Road Elementary school with a special 7 am Holiday start time.

New Tues workout also at S. Charlotte Middle – Fast Twitch to work on speed kicking off tomorrow

Rookie Day at Base Camp

Monday May 20th (yes, this upcoming Monday) Base Camp is hosting a “Rookie” day for those that are new to F3, getting back into it, rehabbing, who live close, who want to support the cause, who have someone they’ve head locked and know they can’t come alone, etc.

This will be an intro to F3 via a boot camp style workout of moderate intensity led by Coal Miner’s Daughter.  We will also have Tiger Rag on hand for the customary “focus on form” and a short blurb on F3.

0530 hrs at South Charlotte Middle School rear parking lot near the shovel flag.

If you have any questions before hand don’t hesitate to reach out to YHC via email at or @MarcPauls1 on Twitter

Base Camp Better Late Than Never (on the backblast)

SMASH on Q for Base Camp, for all 8 souls it was a great workout, well led, great effort by the lads.

The Thang:

15 side straddle hop

15 Imperial walker

15 merkins

15 prison squats

8 jumping lunges

10 mountain climbers

5 burpees


Baseball field:

Left field: 10 wide arm merkins

Center field: 10 regular merkins

Right field: 10 diamond merkins (unsavory)


Baseball field (again):

Left field: 20 prison squats

Center field: 10 burpees

Right field: 5 jumping lunges


Hit the bleachers:

20 dips on the bleachers

10 incline merkins on the railing

Repeat 2x’s


100 yard runs with partners:

Down and back #1: 10 merkins

Down and back #2: 20 prison squats

Down and back #3: 5 burpees


5 mins of Mary:

10 flutter kicks

10 dollies

15 LBCs

10 bicycles

10 Russian twist



Great effort by the Pax, unfortunately most of whom will go unnamed (sound off below) due to YHC forgetting to write them down.  Notable effort by Marvel and Briquette though, keep it up guys!

Nice to have some light out so that we really don’t need the headlamps much anymore.

20th is Rookie day at Base Camp, Headlock the friends (or enemies, either way) for Coal Miner’s Daughter to lead us through the gloom.

The Devil’s Turn Turnout Took Down the Devil Himself

10 Pax hit the Devil’s Turn this morning, leading YHC to believe that with Hydra there were few fartsackers in Clt South today.  Devil’s Turn had the additional strong participation by 4 Metro Pax who were showing the CLT South Pax how to run 6 miles.  Malkovich (obviously the best dressed of the crew), Chico, Furyk and Disney went off at 5:15 for a solid 6 miles, starting and finishing as a group with a pretty strong pace, while Turkey Leg, Swiss Miss, Moby and Skywalker did 4 (Skywalker looking particularly strong, keeping pace with the crew and looking strong at the end, keep it up!).  Briquette made his inaugural appearance doing 3 miles+ with Fartleks (seriously man, you don’t need to get into it all on the first day!), well done!  YHC pushing himself to 4.5 miles.  Turkey Leg and Swiss Miss demonstrating why they are qualified to lead the new “Twitch” workout with some serious speed.

Great send off by Skywalker and good 2nd F after the COT, great to get to know some of the Metro guys as well as our other CLT South brothers.

Turkey Leg reminding the Pax of the new workout “Twitch”, making some of the Pax immediately start to wince at the sound of “running” and “speed” in the description hmmm…. probably shouldn’t go then, it might be hard.  YHC will be there but I doubt you will be.

Malkovich with the reminder on the Memorial Day event, should be good, YHC is sad to have to miss it.


Base Camp – Fireman Ed takes the lead

Fireman Ed took the lead as we audibled the entire plan due to the number and fitness level of the PAX, that being two, YHC and Fireman Ed (who despite the downpour still ran to and from the workout).

Jog to teachers parking lot:

SSH x 25

Merkins x 10

Fast SSH x 10

Squats x 10

CDD x 15

IW x 20

Fireman Ed leading the second half of the COP

Audible by Fireman Ed, jog to park (took the road, too many stories of fabled but non existent short cuts and given the rain we ran the road way) ~1 mile

Playground equipment to do 10 x pull ups, 10 x merkins, 20 x squats, run a lap of the parking lot repeato x 3

mosey to hill, run short burpee ladder hill to 3, mosey to road, jog back to school

where we planned to do Mary but realized that we had run out of time so straight to COT

Counting off goes pretty quickly when there is only 2 PAX, remembering Cottonmouth and Coal Miners Daughter in prayer.

Great work today by Fireman Ed, taking the lead in prep for his first official Q (likely Stonehenge, but we’ll get him to do a Base Camp in the near future I’m sure).  Had fun in the rain and by the time we finished so had the rain.  Who cares this is F3 and we don’t stop for no stinkin rain, if it isn’t hard it isn’t worth it.

Apparently the rest of the PAX took Tiger Rag’s usual advice and didn’t show up, many smelly fart sacks out there no doubt but at least I had Fireman Ed to push YHC pretty hard.  Great 2nd F as well, the rest of you lost out.

See more of you in the gloom next week I’m sure…

Base Camp – Where did all these buses come from?

6 men found their way through the gloom to Base Camp where we found the entire parking lot full of yellow buses…note to Death Valley Q, hopefully not that way on Wed.  The smell of burning diesel was a great way to wake up in the morning.

Light jog to teachers parking lot for the warmup of:

SSH x 20

IW x 20

Merkins x 10

Squats x 20

Mountain Climbers x 20

CDD x 15

Diesel smell becoming too strong so jog to baseball bleachers for:

2 sets of:

Dips x 20

Step ups x 20

Merkins x 15

Supine pull ups x 10

Mosey to rail up the hill for:

3 x Plank walk on rail to top of the hill, jog down the stairs

Jog to track for:

100m jog, 100m Lunge walk (Mall Cop with the timely form reminder), 100m jog, 100m broad jumps, 100m jog, 100m karaoke, 100m jog, 100m karaoke


Rosalita x 20

Flutter x 20

Heels to Heaven x 10

Dolly x 20

Request for Bicycles x 15

LBC x 15

planking, to elbow planking, engaging the core

Mason twists x 5

Jog to washroom stand with lunge walking in between for:

People’s chair x 2 x 45 sec

Incline diamond merkins x 10 x 2

over to stairs for bunny hop down and up x 2, no wait down is a little too slippery, make that run down and hop up x 2

back to washrooms for 2 more sets of incline diamond merkins x 10 with long plank exercise at end to end


Great effort today by the pax, great to see Marvel and Chewy out there along with the usual pre/post workout running Fireman Ed, great job folks, Coal Miners Daughter looking very strong and Mall Cop posting after the Mud Run (strong).  Mostly stayed on the hard stuff today but a good workout by all it appeared.  Remember those FNG’s for Base Camp.

Coal Miners Daughter on Q for next week, he is always creative and YHC is looking forward to that one.

For Those Who Came To The Rock – I Salute You!

25 pax posting for the Area51 mini convergence (the rest of the pax putting in a strong showing at the USMC Mud Run, made us proud), with our Fort Mill friends so strong they carried on as per usual.  Unusually quiet at the start, owing to some overdue 2nd F amongst the 3 converging workouts.  Of course when Market Timer and Zip-A-Dee posted that changed, well done brothers.  No more wasting time with this crew and we were off to the soccer fields:

Circle up for:

Merkins x 10 – what?  who starts with Merkins? Grumblechatter #Callaway

IW x 26

CDD x 20

Squats x 25

SSH x 40 (Callaway was right again with the world, closure was had)

Merkins x 10

Sprint to end of field and back

Partner up for:

Partner carry to end of field and jog back, flapjack

Partner squats x 10 jog to end of field, flapjack

High knees x 20 each leg and x 15 for both

Partner feet on shoulders for 10 merkins, flapjack and repeato

Wheelbarrow to other side of field, jog back, flapjack

Jog to washroom area and with partner:

People’s chair while partner does 30 dips, flapjack and repeato

Over to Bulldog for the hard part:

Over to the hill at the edge of the soccer fields for more partner work

Partner A on the exercise, partner b up and down the hill, flapjack until reps complete, plank when done:

30 Diamond merkins

25 Turkish gets ups (Bulldog to demonstrate and made look easy but most did LBC’s as they weren’t fooled) or 80 LBC’s (so far so good…)

30 Burpees (oh wait, now we’re working)

Jog to playground for round robin – 2 sets

Station 1: LBC’s x 20

Station 2: Decline merkins with feet on the swing seats x 20

Station 3: Pull ups on the other swing set x 20

Working in the sand making some additional work out of the sets

A little plank work at the end for good measure

Back to parking area for a visit from MARY:

Rosalitas x 25

High Flutters x 20, after giggling could be heard in the distance by girl scouts, Bulldog made the call to more manly looking Mary work…well done sir

Dollys x 25

Flutters x 20

Calls for hold it in between by many pax and adhered to by most


Great effort by the PAX, good mummblechatter after the quiet start, many comments heard about being glad there wasn’t much running, will try harder next time.  Good 2nd F with many partnering with someone from another workout, great work by the 2.0’s partnering, turns out they had played football with each other 3 years ago and hadn’t seen each other since, F3 bringing people together.  Strong effort by some seriously determined pax, Briquette looking strong, Callaway with the strong mumblechatter and Zip-A-Dee with the errant counting to see if the Q had enough O2 to keep the right count. Swiss Miss with the perma grin even as he says he’s getting tired (didn’t look like it brother).  Merlot was but a fine second from being spilled, innocent to remain nameless but way to leave the effort on the field!

Great to workout with broad range of pax today and was a special honour for YHC to Q at the Rock for the first time as this was my first 3 posts at F3, where I started my fitness journey, a special shout out to many who have inspired me along the way: Runstopper, Mall Cop, Stone Cold, Shore, Dora, Bugeater, 49er, Bulldog, Haggis, Skywalker, Donkey Kong, Hops, SMASH, Thin Crust, Dolphin, and many others I know I’m forgetting (forgive me), yes it’s a lot of men, that’s what makes F3 so strong, always someone to give a push (mostly figuratively but Shore at the Go Ruck almost carried me the last pole run with one arm, STRONG!) and keep the motivation up.  I can’t thank you all enough.

Great ball o’ man prayer by Callaway to keep our Mud Run brothers in prayer for safety and flight of feet (way to go on the Area 51 representation!) and take us into the coffeteria…

Centurion – Partners in the Pit

12 men enjoyed the less gloomy gloom for a great time, albeit a somewhat quiet one.

The thang:

Short jog to parking lot, for:

SSH IC x 40

Merkins IC x 10

Imperial Walkers IC x 25

Squats IC x 26

CDD IC x 20

LBC IC x 20

Short jog to the picnic tables for short dip/step up ladder from/to 10

Short jog to the Pit with lunge walk down the hill

Run to end of pit and do 10 burpees, run back to do 10 merkins, count off in finishing order

Partner up with number to equal 13 (i.e. 12 and 1, 11 and 2, etc.)

In partner: 120 Merkins, partner a run to end of field and back, partner b merkins flapjack until complete, plank when done

120 LBC, partner a run to end of field and back, partner b LBC flapjack until complete, plank when done

60 Spartan Burpees, partner a run to end of field and back, partner b Spartan Burpees flapjack until complete, plank when done

mosey to road and back to shovel flag for MARY:

Flutter x 25

Dolly x 25

Heels to Heaven (thanks to the demo by Haggis who gets the extra credit) x 15, YHC was demonstrating strained counting at this point

Mason Twist x 15

High Dolly x 20

Protractor for c. 1 min

Conveniently already in the right configuration for COT:


Great effort by the pax today, a number of shout outs, Cain looking very strong as well as Sacagawea on his first post, well done, Haggis not looking worse for wear after another of his epic races last weekend (50k in the mountains).  Shout out to Manners and Enfield, keep pushing us old guys, great to see you out there.  Thanks to the pax for the opportunity to lead and to Escargot for really leading up the effort to build up the Centurion workout, great campus and good 2nd F as well, also thanks to the prayer taking us out and keeping our brothers running the Mud Run lifted up for strength and safety.  Good luck boys!



Base Camp Review – We Lost a Few…

Started out with 13 into the beautiful gloom, a slight hint of chill in the air, all the more reason to get going.

The thang:

Light jog around baseball field to circle up for warmup:

SSH x 30

IW x 20

CDD x 20

Merkins x 10

Squat x 20

lunge walk to stairs, bunny hop stairs, light jog to track

400m around track with x 5 merkins in each corner, track finishing order

Partner up with opposite number (i.e 1st with 12th, 2nd with 11th, etc.)

In partners, (thanks #Dora):

CDD x 80, partner 1 start with CDD, partner 2 run from mid field to end and back and flapjack until 80 complete, plank it up when done

LBC x 80, partner 1 start with LBC, partner 2 run from mid field to end and then bear crawl back and flapjack until 80 complete, plank it up when done

Burpees x 40, partner 1 start with burpees, partner 2 run from mid field to end and back and flapjack until complete, plank it up when done

Jog around field, no wait YHC had to audible himself on that one, make it half way round the field, back to center as Mary came a calling:

Low flutter x 20

Dolly x 20

Heels to heaven x 10 (thanks or no thanks to #Haggis for showing me this one)

High flutter x 10

Mason twist x 15

Mosey to washrooms

People’s chair x 45 sec x 2 (moans could be heard on x2)

Balls to the wall x 45 sec x 2 (Bulldog declined the extra credit pushups but held on to the end, always strong brother!)


Great job by the 11 pax that finished, lost 2 somewhere in the darkness (sound off below)…

FNG Joe Peterson (sp?) now known as Waiver, YHC will have to make sure to read the disclaimer every workout now…

Had fun leading the men today, great effort by all and good teamwork on the partner work, strong mumblechatter throughout.  Moon River offered to sit out balls to the wall number 2 but was encouraged not to do so and so he pushed on ahead, well done sir.  Strong shoulder workout today with the CDD and BTW or at least I feel it, maybe just recovery still hard to say, either way it’s good for you.

Forgot to mention the mini convergence on Saturday at the Rock to accommodate for those running the Mud Run on Sat, Runstopper and YHC on Q for that at 7 am.

Thanks to SMASH for a great finish to remind ourselves who we are and why we really come out to F3, for our whole being, our faith which builds ourselves and our families.

Base Camp…who is Jane Webb?

6 hearty souls jumped out of bed and raced to South Charlotte Middle School for YHC’s first Q of Base Camp, or at least I’d like to think so.  Another 15 or so folks were so scared they cuddled in the fartsack pulling an Eldon Campbell no doubt.  So up the mountain we went…

The Thang:

.25 mile warm up jog

SSH IC x21

Merkins IC x10

Imperial Wokka IC x20

Carolina Dry Dock IC x15

Squats IC x20

Bear Crawl half the field width, butt kickers the other half, since it was hard to see we probably bear crawled 3/4 the way, well done crew!

Mosey with lunge walk to the baseball field

Partner up (size doesn’t matter, we don’t do partner carries at Base Camp) for Jane Webb…what is Jane Webb?

Base Camp modified Jack Webb obviously, partner 1 does the Merkins, partner 2 does the Air Presses to 6, all in cadence


Partner 1 supine pullups (thanks #Coal Miners Daughter for the naming) x10, partner 2 dips x20

repeato x3

butt kickers to hill for step ladder

up the hill for 1 burpee, down the hill, up the hill for 2 burpees, down the hill, up the hill for 3 burpees then plank it up

over to the washroom for some people’s chair

People’s Chair x45 sec x2 with some noticeable grumblechatter

balls to the wall x45, YHC shoulder starting to shake so audible to only 1x

COP for some 6 MOM:

Dolly IC x20

Flutter IC x15

Heals to Heaven (thanks #Haggis) IC x5 (these really burn the upper abs for YHC)

Tribute to #Runstopper, with partner 10x each leg high knee ups flapjack, then 15x both legs


Great effort by the Pax today, realized that YHC cheated 2 min from the workout but was forgiven by the pax.  Fantastic effort by Tumbler with his second time out after 20 years on the couch (first time was Sat at the Rock), great to see Thin Crust out there pushing hard as always and Fireman Ed with the pre and post workout run from/to his house, you’ve made some serious progress brother, keep it up!  Felt great to be leading a workout that I had helped to start but then have never lead since inception due to injury, thanks again to Coal Miners Daughter and SMASH who lead this with me.  Great send off by SMASH to help us focus ourselves as we set off on our week.