Base Camp Better Late Than Never (on the backblast)

Base Camp Better Late Than Never (on the backblast)

SMASH on Q for Base Camp, for all 8 souls it was a great workout, well led, great effort by the lads.

The Thang:

15 side straddle hop

15 Imperial walker

15 merkins

15 prison squats

8 jumping lunges

10 mountain climbers

5 burpees


Baseball field:

Left field: 10 wide arm merkins

Center field: 10 regular merkins

Right field: 10 diamond merkins (unsavory)


Baseball field (again):

Left field: 20 prison squats

Center field: 10 burpees

Right field: 5 jumping lunges


Hit the bleachers:

20 dips on the bleachers

10 incline merkins on the railing

Repeat 2x’s


100 yard runs with partners:

Down and back #1: 10 merkins

Down and back #2: 20 prison squats

Down and back #3: 5 burpees


5 mins of Mary:

10 flutter kicks

10 dollies

15 LBCs

10 bicycles

10 Russian twist



Great effort by the Pax, unfortunately most of whom will go unnamed (sound off below) due to YHC forgetting to write them down.  Notable effort by Marvel and Briquette though, keep it up guys!

Nice to have some light out so that we really don’t need the headlamps much anymore.

20th is Rookie day at Base Camp, Headlock the friends (or enemies, either way) for Coal Miner’s Daughter to lead us through the gloom.

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Strange Brew author

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