Started out with 13 into the beautiful gloom, a slight hint of chill in the air, all the more reason to get going.
The thang:
Light jog around baseball field to circle up for warmup:
SSH x 30
IW x 20
CDD x 20
Merkins x 10
Squat x 20
lunge walk to stairs, bunny hop stairs, light jog to track
400m around track with x 5 merkins in each corner, track finishing order
Partner up with opposite number (i.e 1st with 12th, 2nd with 11th, etc.)
In partners, (thanks #Dora):
CDD x 80, partner 1 start with CDD, partner 2 run from mid field to end and back and flapjack until 80 complete, plank it up when done
LBC x 80, partner 1 start with LBC, partner 2 run from mid field to end and then bear crawl back and flapjack until 80 complete, plank it up when done
Burpees x 40, partner 1 start with burpees, partner 2 run from mid field to end and back and flapjack until complete, plank it up when done
Jog around field, no wait YHC had to audible himself on that one, make it half way round the field, back to center as Mary came a calling:
Low flutter x 20
Dolly x 20
Heels to heaven x 10 (thanks or no thanks to #Haggis for showing me this one)
High flutter x 10
Mason twist x 15
Mosey to washrooms
People’s chair x 45 sec x 2 (moans could be heard on x2)
Balls to the wall x 45 sec x 2 (Bulldog declined the extra credit pushups but held on to the end, always strong brother!)
Great job by the 11 pax that finished, lost 2 somewhere in the darkness (sound off below)…
FNG Joe Peterson (sp?) now known as Waiver, YHC will have to make sure to read the disclaimer every workout now…
Had fun leading the men today, great effort by all and good teamwork on the partner work, strong mumblechatter throughout. Moon River offered to sit out balls to the wall number 2 but was encouraged not to do so and so he pushed on ahead, well done sir. Strong shoulder workout today with the CDD and BTW or at least I feel it, maybe just recovery still hard to say, either way it’s good for you.
Forgot to mention the mini convergence on Saturday at the Rock to accommodate for those running the Mud Run on Sat, Runstopper and YHC on Q for that at 7 am.
Thanks to SMASH for a great finish to remind ourselves who we are and why we really come out to F3, for our whole being, our faith which builds ourselves and our families.
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