The Chicken is Confusing

The Chicken is Confusing

DICCS- Cpr, cell phone, modify as needed, do not sue and watch for cars


Warm up- fast paced mosey to large lot where rocks are near stadium but stopping 4 times along the way for

30- SSH

Runners pose

Calf stretch, right arm and left arm high from plank position

Squat and while squatting single toe tap 10 times right foot/left foot/ tab to the right tap to the left

The Thang

While in the corner near the rock pile in the large lot pair up in 3’s ( This seemed to be a challenge for a few to understand my CLEAR AS MUD DIRECTIONS..

P1 – Squats/Mike Tysons ( 200 squats/100 Tysons)

P2- Dips/Inclines on benches near cafeteria ( 300 dips/100 inclines)

P3 – runs around island

When all is done the group moseys around the island

Mosey back up to trail head heading towards benches for a DUMB/STUPID AND ALMOST INSANE WEBB!!

4/1 get to 20/5

4 bunny hops/1 bomb Jack – ugh/ugh/ugh– This was horrible.

Mosey around corner to sidewalk near bus lot and run with the cross country team for a few paces- Only a matter of time before someone gets called a CREEPER by one of them– Just say!!

Another fun filled Webb

4/1 to 20/5

4 bear crawls/1 dry dock

Mosey up to stairs for

5 bomb jacks at bottom and run up stairs for 20 LBCS/20 Pistol LBCS right leg out and 20 Pistol LBCS left leg out.

Rinse repeat two times

Mosey to front of middle school for

10 Big Boys- 20 LBCS- 10 pistol lbcs left leg and 10 pistol lbcs right leg- 5 Big Boys

Mosey back to COT


Great group today with a lot of endless chatter from the usual PAXS. Few learnings from today— First, the chicken needs to get more clear directions for the special crowd. Second, Zinfandel has officially taken over the chief of form police from Recalculating- Recal you need to step up your game deputy. Lastly if anyone every catches me calling out a bunny hop web please punch me square in the face. Have a great weekend boys . Few additional call outs

Magnolia, Recalculating, Puddles, Chatter Box, Rockwell- Crushed it today

Schneider is getting Hangry with his lack of food intake.

Damascus is happy he got his calf stretch.

Elmer’s– boy is getting faster!! nice job brother


IPC starting 09/01/21- It will be Wednesday and Saturday weekly

Great news for Premature and his results!!

Puddles- Good luck brother in NAVY.. It was our pleasure to have you out.

Prayers for Maddogs father in law Gary

Reach out to friends and family and check on them- lots of misinformation out there on Covid treatments- Make sure people know what they need.

Watch out for Cross Country Peeps early in the morning



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Chicken Little author

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