Watchtower Backblast

Watchtower Backblast

DICCS given, it was more like CCDSI.  who said it had to me in a specific order. Short Mosey around the side of school and circle up.

Warm up

20 x SSH

15 Imperial Walkers

5 merkins, 5 diamond merkins, 5 wide arm merkins

Various stretches.

Find a bench – 20 dips and 20 derkins

The Thang

Mosey long way around to elementary school parking lot.  Partner up and grab a lifting rock (or in schneider’s case just grab a small rock). P1 run to end of the parking lot and back while P2 does exercise, then switch.

As a team complete 250 curls, 150 overhead presses, 50 blockee’s

Mosey to long entrance to middle school off Deal road.  Run to light #1 and complete 2 burpees, run back to start for 10 jump squats, run to light #1 for 2 burpees then to light #2 for 4 burpees. Back to start for 10 jump squats.  Repeat at light #1 and #2 and then 6 burpees at light #3. Back to start for 10 jump squats.  Repeat at light 1,2,3 and then 8 burpees at light #4.  This was a crowd pleaser.

Mosey side of middle school and find some wall.

15 Mike Tyson’s and 15 Donkey Kicks

10 Mike Tyson’s and 10 Donkey Kicks

5 Mike Tyson’s and 5 Donkey Kicks

Head to COT.  30 seconds of have a nice day

The Moleskin

Great group of guys this morning.  This was my first time Q’ing at Weddington and I really enjoyed it. Appreciate you letting me lead you.


F3 Dad’s Camp – Spots still open.

Achbar’s son’s birthday today!  Happy Birthday Lane.

Zinfandel finished last in his Fantasy Football League.

About the author

Easy Button author

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