Facing Your Fears 2020

Facing Your Fears 2020

16 men decided not to fartsack on a cold, late January Monday to join me for a social anxiety busting Q.  DiCCS given (Disclaimer, Cell phone, CPR, Safety) with reminder to circle back for the 6 and to lead Mary.

Mosey to middle school front parking lot.

  • Moroccan Nightclubs x 20 IC
  • Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC
  • Low Slow Squats x 20 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 IC
  • Calf Stretch
  • Upward Dog

Pair up (clydesdale with gazzelle) for 10, 20, 30’s loop

  • P1 and P2 pair up and start with 10 Big Boy Situps, once finished each pax runs the opposite way around parking lot loop
  • Wherever pax meet on other side of loop both face each other again and each does 10 Bobby Hurleys, each pax runs the opposite way around parking lot loop
  • Continue process two more times while increasing counts by 10 each time

Mosey to the covered area in front of middle school for a round of “Super Tysons”

  • Start with 1 Mike Tyson followed by 4 Super-Man’s repeat sequence until you reach 10 Mike Tyson’s and 40 Super-Man’s

Next up an on your own “Rockwell Ripoff” keeping with the 10, 20, 30 theme

  • Complete 10 Jump Squats, 20 Donkey Kicks and 30 LBC’s then run to picnic table area behind middle school and bear crawl under covered walkway on the way, when you reach picnic table area complete 10 Derkins, 20 Step-Ups and 30 Dips then return to front of middle school covered area while bear crawling under covered walkway on way back.  Rinse and repeat two times.  When done mosey back to picnic table area and do Mary while we wait for the 6.

Mosey to the sidewalk area of the bus lot and do alternating Side Shuttles to the bathroom area.

Grab some wall on the bathroom

  • 50 Air Presses IC
  • 50 Air Jabs IC

Closed it out with a fast paced mosey back to COT with 10 Dry Docks every other light pole.  I took us out (thanks to Goodfella for pushing me to do so).



Chilly morning today, however, as Mad Dog mentioned… it felt a little warmer than expected.  I wasn’t sure what to expect regarding turnout and my goal was to simply get through the workout with minimal mistakes etc.  Thanks to those who circled back for the six, lead Mary etc. and to Chicken Little for giving me the opportunity to lead today.

One thing I wanted to mention here is my appreciation for F3 and the acceptance/push it provides.  Most of you have no idea who I am etc. and that’s pretty much “on me.”  I’ve shared my anxiety issues with the PDS crew and a few other Pax so they know about my “jester.”  I’ve struggled with social anxiety (Social anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people. You could say social anxiety is the fear and anxiety of being negatively judged and evaluated by other people. It is a pervasive disorder and causes anxiety and fear in most all areas of a person’s life) for as long as I can remember and I’m just now finally starting to address the issue (thanks to F3).  Today was a big step towards facing my fear, getting out of my comfort zone etc. (even if it was just a simple re-cycled Q that probably bored some of you).  I wanted to mention my “jester” because I sense that some of you are mistaking my shyness for something else (being aloof, uncaring etc. which for those that “really” know me… isn’t who I am at all).  Anyway, hopefully this paragraph gives you a littler more insight in to “the current world of La-Z-Boy.”  I look forward to facing my fears in 2020 and getting to know each of you more as we progress through 2020 and beyond.


  • Site Q school this Saturday 6:30 AM at Cutherbertson.
  • Q school the following Saturday
  • Thoughts and prayers for Doc McStuffins regarding his upcoming heart surgery.
  • Bottlecap mentioned the urgency for the Pax to take part in second and third F events vs. just attending the first F workouts.

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La-Z-Boy author

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