1/9 Clyent Nail Biter!

1/9 Clyent Nail Biter!

Day 9 of the New Year and (12) men enjoyed a bountiful meal!

DiCCS were given (Disclaimer, Cell phone, CPR, Safety)

Mosey down sidewalk trail


  • Side Straddle Hop x 20 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Calf Stretch to get the caloric burn going

The Thang:

Mosey over to the benches by the Cafeteria

  • Squats x 30
  • Dips x 30
  • Decline Merkins x 10
  • Rinse and repeat one more time

Mosey to the basketball Courts: Split into Teams

  • Partner one sprints full length of court and back while other does Plank Jacks
  • Rinse and repeat x 10 total

Mosey over to path from bus lot to roundabout

  • Same Teams: One person runs to roundabout and back
  • Other team Member is doing part of a shared 100 Big Boy Sit Ups

Mosey to Rudy’s poop palace:

  • Wall squats
  • Donkey Kicks x 20

Mosey in between lights

  • Shuffle to the right
  • Shuffle to the Left

Mosey over to the benches by the Cafeteria for more partner work.

  • Box Jumps x 100
  • Teammate runs halfway down path and back
  • 50 LBCs on your own

Mosey back to lighted path

  • Speed skaters x 10
  • Run to second light for 10 more speed skaters
  • Back to start for 10 more speed skaters
  • Rinse and repeat

Mosey back to start

  • Sprints back and forth in parking lot
  • Circle up for LBC’s, V-Ups, and Heels to Heaven




VQ in the House for a solid Dozen Dudes on a gorgeous January evening.  I want to thank my F3 brothers for the encouragement the past few days, it helped me out a great deal. Special thanks to Banjo for throwing my name out there. Its great to get that monkey off my back!

Since the weight loss challenge started up this week I wanted to start with something that keeps everyone moving.  So, we did a good amount of running. I also wanted to let everyone know it was a Burpee Free zone. (Zinfandel did not get that message!) Lol

I think everyone got in over 2.5 miles today so the running box should be checked, and everyone can move on to a Burpee blast Friday tomorrow with all the trimmings!

Speaking of goals for 2020, what’s yours?  Mine is to not be so tired all the time. Who would think working out More would make me less tired? Well it works and I’m glad to continue the trend!

Thank you coming out and for the opportunity to lead my 1st Q today!


  • Damascus on Q tomorrow at Diesel!
  • Wedding Singer has Impromptu!
  • Transporter has Swarm!
  • January 11th, Christ’s Closet folding day at Union United Methodist Church at 8:00am after Commitment and Homecoming.
  • Donations for toothpaste and toothbrushes need to be in by tomorrow
  • Weight Loss Challenge weigh ins have begun. Tomorrow is the last day! Please see Foundation’s scale to get that done asap and SIGN UP

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Gerber author

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