Just another Monday morning at Flash

Just another Monday morning at Flash

16 PAX met Monday morning at Flash after running through the possible options.  A dude’s sack on your back with Damascus’s possible burpee marathon (11 attended) at Ignition,  someone else leading a slightly earlier at Ass Island or the regular Flash beatdown.  Of coarse the 16 chose wisely. So let’s see how much we can get in in a normal 45 to 48 minute workout.

With such a large campus,  where do we even begin. Do we head to the wet grass and hills? No, eventhough MB and his A… Beads were not in attendance.  Do we run over to the possible homicidal pajama guy cabin to get the heart rate up? No, save that for Ignition guys.

After lapping the campus prior to the workout,  only a couple slight audibles were necessary to avoid the possibility of rolling around and in the crazy amounts of goose crap everywhere.

DICCS – Mosey to front of School- SSH, PP, Merkins, Plank, Plank Stretch

The Thang

  • Mosey – SSH, PP, Merkins, Plank, Plank Stretch
  • Light poles – 10 merkins + 10 Mountain Climbers – front come get the 6
  • Grab some wall at Rudy’s shed – 20 Press, 20 jab x 2 IC
  • Partner up and head to the corner with a rock
  • 25 curl to press/25 swings/25 Sumo while partner runs up steps and back x3
  • Head to the slingshot. Half speed to the circle- full back while partner does 25 Squats with Rock/25 Derkins,  rinse repeat
  • Head back to start with little time to spare


FNG Prime pushed it to his max after his buddy Shake selected the biggest freaking rock on campus to use. Way to tough it out. Thank you Shake for bringing him out.

Everyone pushed it really hard with minimal complaining and chatter.  Foundation wanted to talk about his nipples but no one would really bite. (on the conversation or his nipples)

When so many work so so hard each workout, it is becoming harder and harder to call out the studs of the morning. It has become one part that I enjoy when leading. It becomes a big happy, sweaty, funny group of men killing it, encouraging others, and finding fun in the pain and strain of the morning.  Makes me proud to be part of the group.

Thanks to Chicken Little and Rockwell for giving me the opportunity to lead.


Shout out to Coco Krisp attending in the area as he is from Raleigh.  Multiple Waxhaw posts in last week.

Convergence tomorrow at Bushwood led by Zin (dress code required)

Wednesday Convergence at CMS. Holiday hours.  Q TBD.

FNG KJ Davis stuck it out.   Lives Millbridge, two kids.  Works for Amazon.  First name shouted out was Prime and that is what we went with.



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